

Before my story, some introduction is needed.
제 사진 올리기전 서문을 여기 전재함.

우리 옆집 아주머니가 족보에 관심이 많어 National Geographic Site 서 연계된 실험실에 $200 주고
자기 유전자를 분석햇는데, 20% 가 네안델탈 계통, 포투갈 계통, 영국계통등의 의 혈통이 썪엿다고 얘기 합디다.
그리고 나도 빨리 분석해보라고 권합디다.

한국인 유전자를  분석하면, 중국계, 거란계, 몽고계, 일본계, (임진왜란때 10 년 지배햇을 테니)
볶은밥 같이 나올겁니다. 제것은 족보에 의하면, 남자 쪽은 우리 선조가 중국 송나라때 고려에 사신으로 와서 주저 앉엇다니,
중국계가 100% 일것 갔고, 모계로 보면 별별게 다들어가 있을 겁니다.

한 가지 알수 없는것은 족보는 꼭 친자식이란 얘기가 아니고 양아들 까지도 포함된것이고 하니,
정확하다고는 할수 없겟지요.

얘기에 홀랜드 사람 30 여명이 제주도에 상륙해, 하멜을 비롯해 8 명은 도망가서 홀랜드 본국으로 갔고
나머지는 한국서 주저 앉엇다니, 한국 남성 소수는 홀랜드 계통 유전자도 섞엿을 테니 놀래질 마시길.

인간의 기원은 시간이 갈수록 더 고대로 올라가서 이제는 4.4 백만전 으로 올라가는데,
자꾸 올라 갈수록 형태가 침판지와 비슷하고 더올라가면 수육 양용인 동아뱀 같이 보엿을 수도..

Here is the good summary by PBS, before I show you what I saw in Oldubai.

We find older and older human fossils  as time goes by. Neanderthal fossils are very recent ones, 30,000 years ago living in
Europe after they came out of Africa.
My neighbor anayzed her genes in a lab affiliated with Nation Geographic Society. She told me she had 20% neanderthal genes, portugese, british genes etc.

She told me I should check National Geographic web site and get the kits to send my
buccal smear with $200 to get my DNA analyzed, y and x chromosome.

Genes of Koreans could be very mixed ones too, some chinese, mongolians, manchurians, japanese ( they invaded Korea in 16 C and occupied for 10 years and they did not carry condoms then), and old ones from
south east asia as they came up all the way from Africa, There was an interesting event in 17 century Korea.
A dutch ship sank near Korean Jeju island during her journey to Japan in 17 C.
About about 30 of male sailors became prisoners and were not released. But eight of them ran away and went back to Holloland via Japan.
The remainders married (?) and settled down in Korea.
Do not get surprised if you find some Neanderthal or dutch male genes!

My male family tree starts from Mr. Minn who came from Song Dynasty court from China as an emissary,
but he did not return to China. So I must have some Chinese genes, Pekin man genes (?),
 and the genes of tribes who came up through South East Asia all the way from Africa, but possiblly not from
Neandelthal who were spreaded in Europe and middle east later?
120,000 years ago - present (가장 최근 인류화석?) first "Cro-Magnon" specimens found in 1868

It seems our human origin keeps going up as they find  new fossils, now going up 4.4 million years ago.
As we go up further up more, we looked more like Chimpanees.
If we go up further more, our ancestors may look like a fish or lizzard?

A Science OdysseyHuman Evolution
Text Version of Human Evolution Activity
drawing of Ardipithecus ramidusArdipithecus ramidus
The most primitive hominid yet found, this species has more chimpanzee-like features than any other human ancestor.
Ardipithecus ramidus may have walked upright. Other fossils discovered with A. ramidus suggest that the species lived in the forest.
4.4 mya (백만년)
first fossils found 1992
drawing of Australopithecus anamensisAustralopithecus anamensis
Exhibiting some chimp-like characteristics, A. anamensis' jaws are more primitive than those of later hominids.
And yet, its humerus (an arm bone) is quite human-like. Characteristics of its tibia (a lower leg bone) indicate
that A. anamensis walked on two feet.
4.2 - 3.9 mya
first fossil found 1965
drawing of Australopithecus afarensisAustralopithecus afarensis
This species includes "Lucy," the 3.2 million year old fossil found by Donald Johanson. A. afarensis' small braincases and
relatively large teeth and chewing muscles are similar to those of chimpanzees. However, their teeth, as well as their
 leg and pelvis bones, exhibit human-like characteristics. They ranged in height from three and a half feet to five feet and walked upright.
3.5 - 2.9 mya (백만년)
first fossils found 1973
drawing of Australopithecus africanusAustralopithecus africanus
Although similar in many ways to A. afarensis, this species had a slightly larger brain (but still only slightly larger than a chimp's brain),
 smaller canine teeth, and larger molars. The wear of the teeth suggests that A. africanus ate fruits and foliage.
3.0 - 2.4 mya (백만년)
first fossils found 1924
drawing of Australopithecus robustusAustralopithecus robustus
Believed to be roughly the same size as A. afarensis, A. robustus had a large, "robust" (heavier, thicker) skull, as well as a
 jaw and large teeth that were well adapted to chewing. Like some present-day apes, this species had a "sagittal crest"
(a ridge running from front to back on the top of the skull) from which muscles running to the jaw were attached.
2.1 - 1.6 mya
first fossil found 1938
drawing of Australopithecus boiseiAustralopithecus boisei
A. boisei is similar to A. robustus, except that its skull and teeth are even larger. Some experts consider the two closely related,
 both branching from another species called A. aethiopicus. Others believe A. robustus evolved from A. africanus.
Like all of the other Autralopithecus species, A. boisei walked upright.
2.3 - 1.1 mya
first fossil found 1959
drawing of Homo habilisHomo habilis
Homo habilis, which actually means "handy man," is apparently the first species to make and use primitive
stone tools. About five feet tall and weighing 100 pounds, H. habilis had a brain that was larger than the
largest Autralopithecus brain, but smaller than the Homo erectus brain.
2.4 - 1.5 mya
first fossil found 1960
drawing of Homo erectusHomo erectus
The first example of Homo erectus, known as "Java Man," was discovered in Indonesia in 1893.
Fossil remains of Homo erectus have since been found throughout Africa and Asia, making it the first
 wide-ranging hominid. Despite the primitive appearance of its skull, the erectus skeleton is very similar
to that of modern humans, although more robust (thicker and heavier). Homo erectus was probably
the first hominid to use fire.
1.8 mya - 300,000 years ago
first fossil found in 1893
drawing of Homo sapiens (archaic)Homo sapiens (archaic)
Also known as Homo heidelbergensis, this species has a brain that was larger than H. erectus'
and smaller than that of a modern human. The brain was enclosed in a skull that was more rounded
than H. erectus'. Fossil remains of archaic Homo sapiens have been found in Africa and Europe.
500,000 - 200,000 years ago
first fossil found in 1921
drawing of Homo sapiens neanderthalensisHomo sapiens neanderthalensis
Averaging five and a half feet in height and possessing short limbs, Neanderthals were well-adapted to
 living in a cold climate. Attached to their robust (thick and heavy) bones were powerful muscles.
The Neanderthal's brain was larger than the brain of living humans, although its shape was longer
from front to back and not as rounded in the front.
230,000 - 30,000 years ago
first fossil found in 1856
drawing of Homo sapiens (modern)Homo sapiens (modern)
Modern Homo sapiens, also known as Homo sapiens sapiens, have been around for the past 120,000 years.
Homo sapiens living about 40,000 years ago made elaborate tools out of bone, antler, ivory, stone, and wood,
and produced fine artwork in the form of carvings and cave paintings.
120,000 years ago - present
first "Cro-Magnon" specimens found in 1868

Back to first page of Human Evolution

Olduvai Museum entrance.


For some reason a Japanese scientist's name was
engraved on the bronze plate  at the entrance.


Many land layers that were formed in different period are exposed in this
 valley.  That is why they are looking for fossils at different stages of earth, in this valley.
The layers may have been formed by volcanic ash during many eruptions, floods, etc.
Of course, there is no human fossils in American continent, as human being arrived only about 10,000 years ago via Alska during ice age.

이지역의 지형이 특수하다. 화산 폭발후 재가 싸이고, 홍수가 나서 토사도 싸이고 해서, 시대별로 지층이 생겨, 사태가 난 어뜬 지층에서 무엇이 나오면 그 시기에 살아던
다른 생물도 알수가있는 모양.
미국에는 Grand Canyon 에서 그와 같은 지층을 볼수있다.
미국 대육에서 다이나쏘로스 등 화석은 나오지만 화석이 만들어진 시기에 사람이 않살었으니
인간 화석은 없고, 인간이 아메리카대륙으로 건너온것은 빙하시대때 알아라스카를 거쳐 네려왓다는데,
만년 밖에 않됏다고 들엇다.


This is the musum lecture hall and the Olduvai Gorge is just below.

이곳이 박물관의 강의실이고, 올두바이 언덕이 눈앞에있다.


Olduvai Gorge,  view from the museum.
Here every year, people come from other continents to
 dig fossils. I heard four university teams are involved. In US, from Rutgar University.

I had to believe our ancestors lived in this area several million years ago with all those animals we have seen.
And they migrated to asia and to america.
Here I am, after several million years later, looking at where they used to live under the same sun. 

매년 세계의 몇개 대학에서, 이곳에 화석을 캐러 사람을 보낸다고 한다. 미국에선 라트가 대학팀이 온다고 한다.

몇백만년후에 선조가 살던 땅을 찾아온 나는 옛날에 선조들이 살아왓던 똑같은 태양아래서,
그들이 살든 산천을 눈아래에 바라보고 있단 엉둥한 생각을 해봣다.


Exhibitions in the museum. This map shows human migration route from

전시실에 걸린 인간 대이동 경로 표시도,



Materials dug up from here.
Some plants or animal disaapeared.
There is no guarantee, human being will survive next 1-4 millions of years.
They may kill each other by suicidal nuclear wars with their bibles in their hand?
Maybe another virus will appear and wipe out human race? 

여기서 출토된 화석들이 전시돼있고 루이와 부인  매리 리키의 일생이 잘 설명돼있다.
어떤 동식물은 멸종이 됏고, 우리 인간도 몇백만년 후 멸종이 안된다는 보장도 없다.

한 손에는 그들의 종교 성경을 들고, 핵무기로 서로 자살 공격을 하든지 새로운 바이러스가 나와
인간의 멸종을 고할찌도 모른다.

No bible or mythology in any culture talks about these fossils.
According to them, these were made by devils (?) before God made human being one day.

Some people insists in US that these evolutionary evidences should be considered
as fake science.
If my grand children ask my opinion on these subjects,
how should I explain those religeous believes?

Once, some people were put in prison as they believed that the earth was round.
Some people believe south Korea must be "liberated" by military forces with nuclear bombs.
Several millions of people belive in this propaganda.

This is where our human races are in evolutionary cycle. We have a long way to evolve?

신화나, 종교서적 성경등에서는 , 화석 이나, 생물의 형체가 수만년걸쳐 변해오는 얘기는 일체 없다.
소위 진화론은 가짜란 얘기라고 믿는 종교인이 미국에도 많고, 상당한 정치적인 힘을 휘두른다.

인간의 종교본능, 영도자를 맹신하는 본능은 생물적인 본능이고, 인간이 아직까지 생존해온
본능적 심리적인 장점이엿는지도 모은다.

그러나 지구가 둥글다고 믿는 다고, 각옥에 집어 넣은 중세기도,
북한이 세계의 낙원이라고, 믿고, "남조선"을 원자탄으로 군대로 해방 시킨다고 믿는 사람들이
지구상에 수백만이 살고있는 엄연한 사실도 인간이 아직도 더 많이 진화해야겟다는 생각이 든다.





Many living things were extint. Some human beings believes in heaven and commit suicide.
Some human being commit suicide for their boss, just kamikaje Japanese pilots.

How one can be sure some country will not start suicidal nuclear wars and people follow the boss.
Second world II was an interesting human phenomena in this evolutionary cycle.

지구상에서 많은 생물이 멸종되엇고, 인간은 천연두같은 인간을 먹이로 알고 괴롭히는
생물도 인간에 의해 언제인가는
멸종될것이다. 인간은 서로 싸우느라고 자살 행전쟁으로 멸종될수도 있을것이다,

종교광신자들은 순교한다고 믿고 자살 멸종을 단행하는 사람도 생길수있고,
 짐존스 같은 종교인도 지상에 태어난다.

세계 제이차 대전도 여기 박물관에 인간 진화과정으로 전시를 한다면,
많은 사람들이 생각을 달리할지도 모른다.
Many living things disappeared including these animals.
Many trees did exist on this earth, before our ancestors roam around and they still live with us.


This man came far away from California to pay visit his ancestors' tombs, not knowing exactly where they are, just as Confucious taught him.

이 친구는 칼리포니아서서 23 시간 잠도 않자고, 미행기 타고, 성묘를 한다고,
여기 찾아왓다는 데, 可賞하도다.


Louis Leakey 란 분은 영국 분으로 고곡학 전공한 분인데,
한때는 먹고 살려고ㅡ
나이로비에서 경찰관 노릇을 햇다는 얘기가 써져잇엇다..


These are foot prints of primitive people.
원시인의 발자국




Masai Tribe Village Visit.

On Our way to this museum, we visited local Masai tribe village. The chief of the village can
have twelve wives in this Tanzanian village. If he comes to US, he will go to prison right away,
 charge: polygamy. But many animals, the strong or smart male can have as many wives he can handle.

Now, I have three kiwi plants in my backyard. To have fruits, the nursery told me to plant one male
plant and 4-5 female plants. Somehow, the nursery made a mistake and I ended up planting
two male plants and one female plant. So, we have a female polygamy kiwi plant, entertaining
two males in our backyard. Luckily, US law does not get applied in our backyard,
as long as it is not a marijuana plant.

This is their traditional village which moves every 6 months with cattles. They have lived this like for millions of years without leavving this continent and their skin became black with strong troppical sun light.

올두바이 계곡을 찾아가다, 마사이족 동네에 들렷다. 이들은 가축과함께 6 개월마다 이사를 하다고 한다.
여기선 남자가 부인 12 명까지 거느린다고 한다. 이런 사람이 미국에 오면 당장 철창신세가 될건 뻔하다.
죄목은 축첩, 18 세이하 미성년과 성교햇다는 것이다.
자연계에선 우수한 남성이 자기가 상대할 능력내에서 여러명의 여자를 거리리고 사는데..
우리집 뒤마당에 키위라는 넝쿨 과실을 심엇는데, 종묘원에서 남성 넝쿨하나에 여성넝쿨 3-4개를 심으라고 한다.
종묘원이 남여 넝쿨을 잘못골라, 숫놈 넝쿨 두개에 열매가 맺는 암놈 한개를 심은 것이다.

결국 암놈 하나가 수놈 둘을 데리고 살고 아무 탈이없다,
우리집 뒤마당에 마국 축첩 금지법이 않통하지만 대마초 같은걸 심으면,


Village males greeted us and showed their rituals. The male jumping  higher gets high esteem and gets the attention of females.
동네 남자들이 보여 보여주는 그들의 장기.
높이 뛰는 남자가 여자한테 인기가 좋다고 한다.


Their kindergarden class.
유치원 교실.

한국 어머니같이 애기를 등에 엎고 다닌다.
Like Korean mothers, they carry their baby oh their back.
그들의 침대와 부억,
변소는 동네 밖에잇다고 한다.
Their bed room and kitchen,
Bathroom is outside of the village.

Next destination was Amboceli Park with Mt. Kilimanjaro on the south. It was getting dark and elephants are hardly visible in the foreground.
다음 행선지는 케니아에, 암보세리 공원이고,
Mt. Kilimanjaro 산은 탄자니아에 있지만 경치는 케니아 쪽이 더 좋다고 한다. 날은 저물고 전면에 코리리떼는 윤곽만 보인다.

to continue

No. Subject Date Author Last Update Views
Notice How to write your comments onto a webpage [2] 2016.07.06 운영자 2016.11.20 18179
Notice How to Upload Pictures in webpages 2016.07.06 운영자 2018.10.19 32327
Notice How to use Rich Text Editor [3] 2016.06.28 운영자 2018.10.19 5905
Notice How to Write a Webpage 2016.06.28 운영자 2020.12.23 43822
332 Africa Today IV, Around Kilimanjaro [4] 2013.07.30 민경탁*65 2013.07.30 4591
» Africa Today, Part III, Our ancestors 2013.07.29 민경탁*65 2013.07.29 3555
330 Africa Today Part II [3] 2013.07.29 민경탁*65 2013.07.29 3516
329 Africa today (Revised) [2] 2013.07.26 민경탁*65 2013.07.26 4116
328 Greece and Turkey VII / Istanbul [10] 2013.06.29 조승자 2013.06.29 4710
327 Greece and Turkey VI / Cappadocia [8] 2013.06.25 조승자 2013.06.25 4503
326 Greece & Turkey V / Konya and Antalya [7] 2013.06.24 조승자 2013.06.24 4355
325 Greece and Turkey IV / Pamukkale and Hierapolis [7] 2013.06.20 조승자 2013.06.20 5458
324 Greece and Turkey III / Pergamun and Ephesus [5] 2013.06.20 조승자 2013.06.20 4435
323 Greece and Turkey II / Elgin's Marbles [6] 2013.06.18 조승자 2013.06.18 4045
322 Greece and Turkey [8] 2013.06.15 조승자 2013.06.15 4718
321 Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge [4] 2013.06.13 홍초미#65 2013.06.13 4011
320 미국 서부 해안 크루즈 8 (끝 편) [2] 2013.06.07 계기식*72 2013.06.07 4005
319 미국 서부 해안 크루즈 7 2013.06.07 계기식*72 2013.06.07 3877
318 미국 서부 해안 크루즈 6 2013.06.06 계기식*72 2013.06.06 3786
317 미국 서부 해안 크루즈 5 2013.06.06 계기식*72 2013.06.06 3790
316 미국 서부 해안 크루즈 4 [3] 2013.06.06 계기식*72 2013.06.06 3817
315 미국 서부 해안 크루즈 3 [5] 2013.06.06 계기식*72 2013.06.06 3845
314 미국 서부 해안 크루즈 2 2013.06.05 계기식*72 2013.06.05 3700
313 미국 서부 해안 크루즈 1 [2] 2013.06.05 계기식*72 2013.06.05 3706