

The names of songs do not respond to your mouse click.

They are not the direct links but just a part of the title picture.

Please do the following to get to your song of choice.


On each screen, after clicking the center arrow (play button),

put your mouse at the bottom of the screen to show the "player bar",

a straight thin line above the player arrow. If you put your mouse cursor on this line,

you will see a small red-ball on the line. Put your mouse cursor on this red dot

and while keeping it pressed, you pull right or left to go to the song of your choice. 

You will also see small square yellow buttons on the same line.

These yellow marks are the end and beginning of each song.   by WM.


2015년 한국인이 좋아하는 우리 가곡 베스트 40곡 중 1위 ~ 15위

2015년 한국인이 좋아하는 우리 가곡 베스트 40곡 중 16위 ~ 30위

2015년 한국인이 좋아하는 우리 가곡 베스트 40곡 중 31위 ~ 40위

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