
My Failed Crossing of George Washington Bridge


Originally I planned to cross the Bridge by walking as my first project during my visit to NYC from Nov 16 to Dec 10.

I even planned it for Mon Nov 19 prior to my arrival since the forecast showed relatively mild weather on that day.

However it went wrong when my son drove all of us to a Chinese restaurant in NJ on the day before my planned walk!

He didn’t say and I didn’t ask where it was, but it seemed to be ominously close to my destination of the next day, Dong Bang Grill(동방그릴), Fort Lee, NJ.

He started from his Chelsea apt, then drove through Westside Highway, then via GW Bridge he stopped at a public parking near Dong Chun Hong(동천홍) 144 Main Street, Fort Lee, NJ, only 0.2 miles from Dong Bang Grill(동방그릴)!

This proximity certainly diminished my enthusiasm for the memorable walking planned the next day.

Besides during the crossing, I could’nt see any pedestrians except only few bicyclists in the south bike path on this cold, windy and dreary day!

Is it a right thing for me to brave myself for venture on this solo crossing?

I questioned myself and decided to hold GW Bridge crossing for the time being.

We had fairly busy schedule for Thanksgiving with more visitors including Henry’s family joining at the Southampton home, and then finally we returned to the Chelsea apt and then I needed the next best adventure, substitute walking to cross the Brooklyn Bridge, which was successfully accomplished without difficulty on Thu Nov 29. [I will post this story when I return home]

However I could not give up my yearlong plan without a fight.

On Fri Nov 30, I went ahead and arrived at GW Bridge bus terminal at the 178th St, and from there I walked through Fort Washington Ave and 178th St to Cabrini blvd, where I was supposed to find the entrance to the pedestrian walkway.

There was no one around, and I couldn’t find any connections to the threatening behemoth, the beginning NJ turnpike, Highway 95.

At this point I wisely decided to take one step backward for advance of two successful steps next time(일보후퇴 이보전진: 一步後退 二步前進), possibly on a balmy spring or warm summer day.

Please wait for my marching through GW Bridge from Manhattan to the Fort Lee side.

Thank you

Fig 1. Entrance of George Washington Bridge Bus Terminal across Fort Washington Avenue

Fig 2. George Washington Bridge Bus Terminal

Fig 3 Street View of the GWB bus terminal

Fig 4. W 178th Street toward the GWB

Fig 5. Crossroad of Cabrini Blvd to the W. 187th Street where I could see the full view of George Washington Bridge with the First Bridge Tower. Then how could I climb the Bridge? There was no solution at that time, so I had to turn my back and returned home.

Fig 6. Suspension Bridge

NW 15-2.mov
Kwan Ho Chung - Dec 12, 2018
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