

과거 10 년동안 비행장에서 신발 벌고 줄서서 신체검사 통과하고 비행기 오를는 고역을 치룬 사람이라면 악명 높은 Osama bin Laden 이란 사람 배경에 궁금증을 않가져 본 사람은 없다고 생각. 

그 사람의 성장 과정과 가정 편력을 읽어보면  인류의 보편적인 숭배 인물로 평가받을 사람이라고 도저히 볼수가 없지만 그를 맹신하고 따라가는 사람들의 상식적인 판단력이 무엇에의해 그렇게 굴절이되엇는지 생각해 볼필요가 있다고 생각.

이 사람 시키는 대로 자살 특공대로 생명을 잃은 사람이 9-11 비행기 납치범을 포함해서 부지기수이고 아직도 도처에서 자기 일생을 이런 사람의 신조를 위해  목슴을 버릴 각오각 된 사람이 많다고 하는데. 역사상에 이런 집단이 무수히 명멸햇고,

우리가 기억하는 근세기만 해도

일본의 이차 대전 말기 천황을 위해 카미가제 자살 특공대로 지원한 일본 대학생들 나치말기에 포로 유태인 수용소에서 사람 파리 죽이듯 처형한 군인들, 북한에서 네려온 김신조 자살 특공대,

역사상 수많은 전쟁도 자기들의 종교적 신렴이란 기 빨아래아래
혹은 민족적 자부심 내지는 복수심에 휘말려.
혹은 자기집단을 상징하는 왕을 위해서
전쟁터에가서 목슴을 버리려는 많은 군인들..

우리가 배운 역사에 이런 싸움 전쟁이 끊어져 본 시대가 없다고 기억.

또 앞으로 이런일이 종식된다는 낙관론자들도 없고

결론으로 우린 두뇌속에 내재된 맹신적인 동물적인 집단본능
혹은 인간 특유의 맹신적인 종교 본능이 얼마나 무서운지를 다시 깨닿게 된다.

쉽게 말해 지구상에서 여러 민족 집단이 등대고 살아야 하는 현실이
고양이를 물고기가 노는 어항 앞에 가져다 놓는 현상이나 다름없다면
고양이한테 무슨 훈련을 얼마나  시켜야, 물고기를 않 건들이게 될지?

목표는  동물적본능,  종교적맹신에서 인류의 보편적인 지성을 회복시키는 과제가 우리 후손에게 부여해야할  역사 도덕 심리교육이 아닌가 생각해본다.

아래에 뉴스위크 기자가 쓴 Osama bin Laden's Twisted (굴절된) Love Life
를 참고로 소개함.

처음 알게된 사실은 빈라덴이 50 명 형제중 17 번째 아들이엿고
일부 다처제 율법따라, 자기도 부인이 다섯 그것도 대개 사춘기 때 애들이고,

이런 사람의 가치관을 현세 모든 국가에 이식을 강요하기위해 싸우는
종교적 맹신 집단에  휩쓸려 들어 가는 정치 사회적  배경에 대해 이해가 필요하고 ,

그런 사람들에게  필요한것이
무엇인지 조용히 생각해 볼필요가있다고 생각.   

NEW YORK – Osama bin Laden's Twisted Love Life

When the Navy SEALs stormed bin Laden’s compound, he reportedly used his wife as a human shield. David Graham on the terrorist leader’s marriages, divorces, and numerous children. Plus, The Daily Beast's full coverage of bin Laden's death.

As the expression goes, behind every great man stands a great woman. Osama bin Laden showed himself to be something else, reversing the formula during the raid that killed him Monday night, ignominiously hiding behind one of his wives as Navy SEALs stormed the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan where he was hiding, according to the White House.

Gallery: A Timeline of Osama bin Laden's Life

The gesture was futile—both she and her husband were killed—but it brings bin Laden’s personal life into focus. Although Obama counterterrorism adviser John Brennan announced that the woman, one of five people killed and the only woman to die, was bin Laden’s wife, he did not name her. Meanwhile, regional news sources reported that two other wives and six of his children were among the 17 people captured during the early-morning raid.

Like much about him, bin Laden’s family life is partially shrouded in confusion. However, it’s generally believed that he has been married five times, having divorced one of his wives. He may have anywhere between 12 and 24 children.

Bin Laden first married when he was 17, entering a union with Najwa Ghanem, a Syrian cousin of his, in 1974. The couple later became estranged, and in 2009 she and Omar bin Laden, Osama’s oldest son, wrote a memoir called Growing Up Bin Laden about their life with him.  Osama later decided that polygamy—an ancient Islamic custom that has declined in many parts of the Muslim world but remains more common on the Arabian Peninsula—was the appropriate way to lead his life, and commented that four wives was the easiest and most stable formulation, according to Lawrence Wright’s book The Looming Tower. Wright also reported that Umm Ali, the other divorced wife, requested a divorce after years of cool relations; bin Laden had sworn never to request a divorce, allowing his wife to do so.

“He did not like anybody to talk to him,” said his wife. ”He became angry if I tried to talk to him and I would therefore leave him alone.”

Here’s a list of bin Laden’s wives, along with what is known about them:

-Najwa Ghanem: married 1974 when she was 14. Also known as Umm Abdullah (“mother of Abdullah”). She says she had not been in contact with him since the September 11 attacks.

-Amal al-Sada: married 2001, when she was 15.

-Umm Ali: divorced 1996.

-Umm Hamza: married 1982.

-Umm Khaled: an Arabic teacher.

He was a difficult father, often remote and consumed with jihad. While living in Sudan, he reportedly sought to make his family’s life more austere, believing they were too coddled. In 2002, The Guardian interviewed one of bin Laden’s wives, who described how she and three other wives each had separate houses in which they lived. “He did not like anybody to talk to him,” she said. ”He became angry if I tried to talk to him and I would therefore leave him alone. He used to sit and think for a long time and sleep very late. He did not sleep for more than two or three hours. Though he was beside me, I sometimes felt lonely.” He was as controlling of his wives as one might expect of a strict Wahhabi Muslim, barring them from leaving home.

Omar bin Laden, in Growing Up Bin Laden, described a father who was driven and ambitious, always seeking to be best. He had little time for family life and little patience for his family, beating his children with his trademark accessory. “I tried to force him to show affection and was told that I made a pest of myself. In fact, my annoying behavior encouraged him to start carrying his signature cane. As time passed, he began caning me and my brothers for the slightest infraction,” Omar wrote in an excerpt. He recalled his break with his father, which came when Osama asked him to volunteer to be a suicide bomber and Omar refused. Upon demanding how he could ask such a thing of his sons, bin Laden replied, “’You hold no more a place in my heart than any other man or boy in the entire country’…  My father hated his enemies more than he loved his sons.”

If a dysfunctional family environment growing up can explain how an adult lives his or her life, it may be possible to trace a line from Osama’s childhood to his own family life. His mother Alia was the fourth wife of his father, sometimes called the “slave wife” by more senior wives. She was just 14, and was—like Najwa—a Syrian rather than a native Saudi.  His father Mohammed was distant and frequently traveled on business, according to The Looming Tower, building a massive and successful construction business. When Osama was 4, Mohammed divorced her and married her to Mohammad al-Attas, an executive at his company.

With his death in Abbottabad, Osama bin Laden leaves his children much as Mohammed bin Laden left him: fatherless, but with his imposing, larger-than-life influence looming over them.

David Graham is a reporter for Newsweek covering politics, national affairs, and business. His writing has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal and The National in Abu Dhabi.

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