


Rand Paul Believes Hatred for Trump Is Why Scientists Won’t Study Horse Drug as COVID-19 Treatment

The FDA has already issued a warning that large doses of ivermectin can be dangerous, and studies have not produced any evidence that it can treat COVID.

By Stephen A. Crockett Jr.  


Kentucky Sen.Rand Paul and his white man jheri curl.

Kentucky Sen.Rand Paul and his white man jheri curl.
Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo (Getty Images)

It would take a horse’s ass to want to study a horse drug as treatment for COVID-19...

Rand Paul has entered the chat….

The Kentucky senator really believes scientists hate former President Donald Trump so much that they won’t objectively research ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. For those unaware, ivermectin is a drug used to deworm horses and Paul believes it could aid in the fight against the big bad coronavirus.

And without any kind of approval from the Federal Drug Administration, people have begun taking ivermectin because those people would rather risk their health with a drug they don’t understand than a vaccine that is FDA approved. It has gotten so bad that Mississippi officials have urged residents not to take ivermectin, after poison control centers began receiving calls of people falling ill after taking the drug.

Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic, does have uses in humans, to treat worms, lice and skin problems. But despite it having been discussed by doctors in testimony before Congress, it is not proven to combat Covid-19.

Doctors have also warned against its potential toxicity. Earlier this month, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a terse tweet: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

According to the Cincinnati Enquirer, during a meeting with constituents in Cold Spring, Ky., on Friday, Paul claimed: “The hatred for Trump deranged these people so much, they’re unwilling to objectively study it.

“So someone like me that’s in the middle of it, I can’t tell you because they will not study ivermectin. They will not study hydroxychloroquine without the taint of their hatred for Donald Trump.”

But let’s be clear: neither Trump nor Paul know what the fuck they are talking about. Anyone remember hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug that Republicans, especially Trump, were pushing when he was in office?

It turned out that shit had little effect in doing anything against COVID-19.

Also from the Guardian:

According to the US National Library of Medicine, studies have not produced proof that ivermectin can treat Covid-19. The same source lists 31 completed, withdrawn or ongoing US clinical trials.

The FDA says taking large doses of ivermectin is “dangerous and can cause serious harm” and adds: “Never use medications intended for animals on yourself. Ivermectin preparations for animals are very different from those approved for humans.”

In Cold Spring, responding to a woman’s question about ivermectin, which she said she kept just in case, Paul said: “I don’t know if it works, but I keep an open mind.”

And get this, before becoming a political albatross, Paul was an eye doctor, but he’s always been a fucking idiot. Instead of using his political influence to push for his constituents to follow CDC guidelines, he’s spent his COVID years getting closer to Trump’s backside with his lips. Paul has been reluctant to wear a mask and had his YouTube account suspended for pushing his anti-mask bullshit.

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