


미군정기 웨드마이어 사절단 방한과 미국의 대한정책; 정용욱 한국정신문화연구원교수, 동양학 제30편 2000.6

단국대학교 동양학 연구소




General Albert Coady Wedemeyer (July 9, 1896 – December 17, 1989)[1] was a United States Army commander who served in Asia during World War II from October 1943 to the end of the war. Previously, he was an important member of the War Planning Board which formulated plans for the invasion of Normandy. He was General George C. Marshall's chief consultant when in the spring of 1942 he traveled to London with General Marshall and a small group of American military men to consult with the British in an effort to convince the British to support the cross channel invasion. Wedemeyer was a staunch anti-communist. While in China during the years 1944 to 1945 he was Chiang Kai-shek's Chief of Staff and commanded all American forces in China. Wedemeyer supported Chiang's struggle against Mao Zedong and in 1947 President Truman sent him back to China to render a report on what actions the United States should take. During the Cold War, Wedemeyer was a chief supporter of the Berlin Airlift.


그는 1947년 중국을 방문하는 길에 1947년 8월26일 부터 6주간 한국과 중국을 방문하여 하지 중장과 군정 중요 관리들 그리고 한국인 각계 각층의 지도자들을 만나서 당시의 현황을 파악하여 트루만 정부에 보고하였다. 

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