

But at present Harris is in a very different position in the battleground states.

There hasn’t been enough recent polling in North Carolina for FiveThirtyEight

to conduct averages, but she leads Trump in five of the other six crucial states:

in Arizona by 0.7 percent (45.3 to 44.6 percent); in Georgia by 0.1 percent (45.8 to 45.7 percent);

in Michigan by 3.4 percent (46.3 to 42.9 percent); in Wisconsin by 3.6 percent (47.4 to 43.8 percent);

and yes, even without Josh Shapiro on the ticket, in Pennsylvania by 2.2 percent (46.4 to 44.2 percent).

Trump is hanging onto a 0.1 percent lead (44.5 to 44.3 percent) in Nevada.



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