


General Website Revision

2008.06.20 15:14

운영자 Views:290

1. "bbs/include/list_check.php" was renamed as "list_check.php.620", in case if we need to restore it.
The original list_check.php (now with 620 end) was replaced with that of snumc1965. No ill-effect.
However, the color of the comment-number at the freeboard was successfully restored.
But it works only at the list view page, not at the memo view page.
There were same successful restoration at other boards.
2. "skin/kg55_bbs_En/list_head (and main)" were re-coded as a test,
but failed to solve the compatibility problem with firefox3 and Opera9.5
3. Recheck/compare "bbs/latest_skin/rosun2005G_lbbs/main.html" with the same of snumc1965.
No difference noted except the date having been removed.

Made the text color darker by changing 555555 to 000000
at the style.css of the particular skin of that board.
In this case, it was at the "/bbs/skin/kg55_bbs_En"

Change the line separator to make them compatible with Mozilla Firefox
by changing cellpadding to 1 from 4 at list_head.php of each skin.
Now, the list view is almost identical in Firefox.
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