


General Brief Instruction of using SNUMA Website

2008.04.28 04:31

운영자 Views:1528

To all SNU Medical Alumni :
Invitation to SNUMA website


홈피를 이용하는 방법:

SNUMA Website은 Zeroboard XE version를 바탕으로한 보통 표준 홈피로서, 능숙하신분들은 그냥 WWW.SNUMA.NET에 가시면 더 지시 없어도 곧장 쉽게 알수있읍니다.

초보자의 경우:

인터넷 브라우저의 주소칸에 WWW.SNUMA.NET 를 친 다음에, 그 옆의 초록색 화살표, 또는 "Go", 또는 키보드의 "Enter"`Key를 치면 우리 홈피의 인덱스 페이지에 도착합니다. 거기에서 그림 바로 밑의 게시판 (board)들이나 왼쪽 상단의 링크를 골라서 클ž해서 보십시요. 머지 않어, 동문자유게시판이나 공고게시판에서 홈피를 이용하는 자세한 설명이 들어 갈것입니다.

등록을 하지 않고도 동창명단을 빼고는 거의 다 보실수있읍니다만, 왼쪽 상단 그림 밑에있는 로그인(login)칸에서 "JOIN"(회원등록)을 클ž하셔서 등록하십시요. 등록하는 방법은 일단 등록 페이지에 들어가면 자세한 설명이 있읍니다.

글을 쓰시거나 동창회 명단 (아직 건축중)을 보실려면 꼭 등록하셔야 되며, 등록후 24시간내에 운영자로부터 등록인증(정회원)의 연락이 기재하신 E-Mail주소로 올것입니다.

현재 서울의대 계통의 홈피에서 복사해온 많은 게재물이 있으니, 천천히 둘러보시면, 우리 홈피의 구성, 성격, 방향을 쉽게 자각하실수있을겁니다. 어떻게 쓰고 어떻게 대화 (코맨트)에 참석하는지도 보일것입니다. 그런식으로 대화(코멘트)에 참석하시면 됩니다. 아무 동문께서나 가족께서도 아무데서나 코멘트를 써서 참석하시고, 게재물 (webpage)를 쓰십시요. 만일의 경우에 실수하시거나 문제가 생기면, 아무때나 snumaweb@gmail.com으로 E-Mail을 보내시면, 운영자가 해결해드립니다. 염려 마시고 써 보십시요.

To use the website:
A. Just type www.snuma.net at the address space of the browser and click "Enter" key or green "Go" arrow icon in the browser.

B. Then you will be landing at the new SNUMA.NET website's index page.
Use the upper horizontal and left-side menu bar to explore the various bulletin boards and other related links.

C. At the left upper section below the picture, you will find "login" site.
Click "Join" and fill your personal information at the membership registration page.
Please follow the instruction below.
D. Any alumni member or his/her spouse creates/supplies his own "user ID and Password" !! (The website does not give them to you. You make your own. Please make it simple, so that you can remember.)


In choosing the "Name" (This is what appears "as you" at the website), you do by the following rule. This is necessary as we may be dealing with a large number of unfamiliar alumni members.

For alumni: Put your Korean name exactly same as appears in the SNU Medical Directory and add an asterisk mark (*) and the year of graduation in two digit (example: 홍길동*72, 김삿갓*86). Here, the asterisk implies alumni member.

For alumni's spouse or family: Put your Korean name, short nickname, or your spouse's name and add a pound mark (#) and the year of graduation of your spouse in two digit (example: 홍순자#72, 김영자#86). Here, the pound sign inplies member's spouse and family.
At registration page, please add the name of your alumni spouse at the "Self Introduction" space with relationship, so that web-manager can identify you as a family member of a known alumni member.

If you can not type Korean, use two digit name (in capital letters) and then full family name (starting with capital) in English (example: 홍길동=KDHong*72, 김삿갓=SKKim*86, 홍순자=SJHong#72, 김영자=YJKim#86).

Nick Names: Any member can have a nickname by requesting to web-manager. The nickname is only for convenience and it's not confidential.
A nickname directory will be made and open to all members.

For security reasons, the names or nicknames will not be confidential.
The web-manager has the right to reveal the true name (name and relation only, not any other personal info) of any member or writer.

E. Then fill your E-Mail address and other information as directed. The E-Mail address is mandatory, so that the web-manager can get in touch with members.
Once you register, webmaster will cross check your credentials from the Alumni directory and if yours matches OK, he will give you proper permission ranking within about 24 hours, so that you can "write" any comments or memos and enter all boards. 
Until you are approved, you can only browse. 
Instead of starting the sailing with an empty ship, the website has borrowed a lot of good pre-existing webpages from 1965 class-website, so that you can browse and enjoy. By looking through these webpages, you can learn how the website is run and how interactive we can be between alumni members.

If you look through the website and the webpages, you will know what to do and you will feel what this website is about.
Further detailed instructions will be written one by one at the website.

Thank you.

SNUMA Web-manager
April 19, 2008


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