<table border=0 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=10 width=680 bgColor=white align=center>
<fieldset style="border: #8080ff 4px solid">
<legend style="POSITION: static; WIDTH: auto; HEIGHT: auto; VISIBILITY: visible; MARGIN-LEFT: 7mm">
<span style="FONT: bold 12pt 굴림; COLOR: #8080ff">Outside Frame Title</span></legend><br />
<table border=2 cellSpacing=10 borderColor=#c4c4e3 cellPadding=30 width=600 bgColor=white>
<td bgColor=#c4c4e3>
<center><b><font color=#2d328d size=3>Inside Content Title, if any<br />
<center><b><font color=#7b243d size=3>Inside Suibtitle comes here, if any</font></b></center>
<p align=left><font color=#6e0017>This is the content of the webpage.<br>
This is the content of the webpage.<br>
This is the content of the webpage.<br>
This is the content of the webpage.<br><br>
This is the content of the webpage.<br>
This is the content of the webpage as many lines as needed.<br>
The End of the text.<br><br>
<img src="http://...... URL of the picture, if any"><br><br>
Text under the centered picture<br><br>
<img src="http://...... URL of the picture, if any"><br><br>
Text under the centered picture<br><br>
<img src="http://...... URL of the picture, if any"><br><br>
Repeat the image tags as many as needed<br><br>
<b><font color=#7b243d size=3>Inside Subtitle comes here, if any</font></b><br><br>
<font color=#7b243d>Another text here, if needed<br>
Another text here, if needed<br>
Another text here, if needed<br>
Another text here, if needed<br>
The end of the text. Repeat the subtitles or texts as many times as needed.
<center><font color=gray>Source, Credit, Author, Date and ETC</font></center><br>
</td></tr></tbody></table></center><br />