


Attach mp3 songs as if they are pictures.

Then create a link to the attached song by "a href"--- Song name---"a" like the following.

Here, " means 꺽쇠 in the actual HTML codes.

When the link line (file) is clicked, it will play the song in a small player.


Please see the example at Freeboard - 한국 - 그옛날 우리가살던 추억어린 사진 (snuma.net) in

one of the comments.


<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/3e4d53a62e1512be78946834e65157bb.mp3">[동요] 엄마야 누나야 (정훈희 노래, 기타 연주).mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/ab4c5f25735fd5df8d2af26504cf4536.mp3">고향의 봄 (하모니카 연주) ... Spring of my hometown (by Harmonica).mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/2bbb0891ff5992797e3c6d30e7f48bbf.mp3">반달 (동요).mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/db4af713edde4f3b5eeae78784bd20a1.mp3">섬집 아기 (동요) - 박인희.mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/2861db930db07f512d80c860ade95e78.mp3">엄마 엄마.mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/a6d02480382d4b61edf4c0c3526ee8d7.mp3">오빠생각 - 이선희 (Thinking of Elder Brother).mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/785b6b640923d65a0f027696894bb2f5.mp3">고향의 봄 - 선명회.mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/79987538df6cabb4e6863dc450bd468b.mp3">나뭇잎 배 (동요) - 정목 스님의 청아한 목소리로 들어보세요..mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/e7ae272faa1a620a14a82e5c97ecd7f1.mp3">따오기 윤극영 곡 40th MEMORIA 부산시립소년소녀합창단.mp3</a></p>

<p><a href="http://www.snuma.net/xe/files/attach/images/140/625/147/d71ab62b9c01914b95207e01d1041bb9.mp3">이연실 - 가을밤 (찔레꽃) (엄마엄마).mp3</a></p>


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