2022.06.04 19:52
제115강: 흰머리의 비밀이 풀렸다.
Premiered Nov 9, 2021 by DR. Ezra Hangjun Jang 장항준 내과TV
사람의 흰머리는 도대체 왜 생기는걸까?
Nature Magazine' original 논문 링크: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-1935-3
제118강: 흰머리! 탈모! 동시에 치료하는 방법
Premiered Nov 16, 2021 by DR. Ezra Hangjun Jang 장항준 내과
TV 흰머리나 탈모를 치료할 수있을까요?
Please don't forget to listen to the last comments of Dr. Jang.
사람이 몸과 마음에 고통이 없는 상태에 도달했을때 그는 드디어 "성공"한 것이다.
돈을 얼마나 많이 벌었고 몀예가 아무리 높아도, if one still has physical or mental pains,
그 사람은 전혀 성공에 도달한 사람이 아닐 것 같다.
As Dr. Jung said above,
대인관계에서 남에게 고통 (Pain)을 주는 짓을 절대 하지말자. 그에게 휜머리를 주니까.
만일 어디가 아프면 곧 Pain pill을 먹어라. 아픈 것을 참노라면 머리가 허였게 된다.
이 경우에, pain medication will keep us from having gray hair or hair-loss.
In my speculation, gray hairs may also mean the onset of senile dementia.
In addition to the pain that was able to be studied objectively in the original article,
I have deep confidence that 恨, 고민, 슬픔, 후회, 실망, 등등의 human emotions
will cause gray hair or hair loss, as well as Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia.
I have seen such cases among the family members of my close friends and senior alumni.
I firmly believe that we should, by all means, try to keep these things from entering our life.
We shall try to live as happily and contented as possible.
Dr, Jang suggests the following medications or regimens to reverse or prevent gray hairs.
1. Avoid stress
2. Auto-immunity against melanocytes may not be the problem
3. H2O2 (과산화 수소)의 활성을 방지 (take antioxidants)
4. Treat hypothyroidism if you have it.
5. Avoidance of physical or mental stress or pains.
6. Drug therapies recommended by Dr. Jang:
a. Omega3 acids (5 alpha-reductase) especially the EPA content, 4 gm per day
especially in people with hyperlipidemia of more than 150mg in blood.
b. Finasteride (Propecia) 1 mg per day (5 months)
c. 참기름 3 tsp/day (it has high EPA and antioxidants)
d. Adalimumab (Humira, anti-rheumatoid, 6 months, Cautions: Serious side effects !!)
e. Secukinumab (Cosentyx, anti-psoriasis or inflammatory, 5 months, attention: side effects!!)
Do not use the last 2 medications (d and e) before knowing for sure.
Note: Dr. Jang appears to be an honest physician and scientist. But please just be careful.