2022.06.28 14:57
[홍사훈의 경제쇼] 박종훈ㅡ세계화는 끝났다! 이걸 못깨달으면 망한다!!
KBS 220607 방송 - Jun 7, 2022 by KBS-1 라디오
[홍사훈의 경제쇼]
KBS 1Radio FM 97.3MHz 월-금 16:05-16:54
출연 : 박종훈 kbs 기자
미국 바이든 행정부는 전임 트럼프 행정부 당시 21%로 내려간
법인세를 28%까지 올리는 방안을 추진하고 있습니다.
바이든 대통령은 그동안 미국의 세금 정책이 노동이 아닌 자본에
보상하면서 빈부격차를 심화시켰다며,
학교 선생님과 소방관들이 내는 세금 비율이 억만장자들보다도
더 많은 지금의 부조리를 없애겠다고 밝혔습니다.
또 극심한 인플레를 꺾고 싶다면 부유한 기업들이
공정한 몫의 세금을 지불하도록 해야 한다고 말했습니다.
돈을 많이 버는 계층에 합당한 세금을 걷어야만 시중에 돌아다니는
돈이 줄어들어 인플레를 조금이나마 진정시킬 수 있다는 뜻입니다.
다음 달 발표될 윤석열 정부의 세법 개정안에서
법인세 완화와 상속세, 증여세 완화, 또 불가피한 다주택자들에 대한
종부세 감면 등이 거론되고 있습니다.
세금을 깎아주는 건 국민들을 위한 정책이지만 누구의 세금을
깎아주느냐가 중요합니다.
누군가의 세금을 깎아주면, 그만큼 다른 누군가에게서 더 걷어야 합니다.
과거 이명박 정부 시절, 기업 친화를 앞세우며 법인세를 인하했지만
결국 부족한 세수는 일반 국민들의 소득세 징수액을 올려 메꿨습니다.
특히 지금처럼 인플레가 심한 시기에 부유층의 세금을 깎아주면
그만큼 시중의 돈이 국고로 회수되지 못해 인플레를 부추길 우려도 있습니다.
2022.06.28 15:10
2022.06.28 16:15
There’s been lots of talk about the negative impact that the Federal Reserve raising interest rates
is having on stocks, bonds, and mortgages.
But we haven’t heard much talk about the harmful impact that the Fed’s higher rates, designed to help tamp down inflation, are having on the federal government’s finances.
Think of it as 12 digits worth of collateral damage. That’s right, 12 digits worth.
Why aren’t people discussing this? Because there’s no single place that has a number showing how much the Fed rate increases will add to the federal government’s interest tab.
But with help from the Treasury and from Social Security’s actuaries, I’ve come up with a reasonable estimate of that added interest cost. By my math, the Fed’s higher rates will increase the federal government’s interest costs by about $128 billion a year.
Stephen S S Hyde
9 hours ago
Of course, this additional $128 billion won't be paid out in cash but with the issuance of yet more government bonds. In virtually any other country in the world--say Argentina--this repeated practice would lead to a weakening local currency, inflation, stagnation, and economic decay. But we continue to get away with it because the U.S. dollar remains the world reserve currency. God help us if we ever lost that. What could cause that?
2022.06.28 16:35
Americans have been showered by things that they do not need because it was so cheap
to buy. Wasteful spending was possible because it was made in poor countries where
labor is incredibly cheap. Common sense tells us that they are going to pay the price
sooner or later.
U.S. government gave people free money too long too much. It ran too many unnnecessary
shameful wars. It ended up spending much more than tax revenues and has to borrow
too much every year to make the end meet.
The worst enemy of America is not in outside but in America. It is over spending and national debt.
2022.06.28 16:44
박종훈의 (or by the general principle about rate and dollar) 논리에 의하면,
Raising the interest rate in the U.S. will strengthen the value of the U.S. Dollar
and, therefore, will help the dollar's dominance in the financial world.
Thus, the U.S, Dollar will continue to enjoy being the de facto standard currency of the world.
I assume that the value of our dollar for being the reigning currency of the world
will far exceed the amount of the 128 billion dollars we may save by not raising the rate.
The 128 billion dollars may be hardly anything to worry about.
Just my guess... But I am sure the Fed knows about this equation.
That's why they did it without saying the true reason.
Many years ago, Putin tried to convince Xi Jinping to dethrone the U.S, dollar
and make their money the world currency. Xi did not listen to Putin.
I guess Xi denied the idea because Putin's plan was not realistic.
Today, Xi loves to have his Yuan to be the world's reigning currency,
but the U.S. will never give up the dollar at any cost.
2022.06.28 16:56
*US national debt is 30 trillion dollars as of feb 1, 2022. It was 23.3 trillion in 2020.
How Could the National Debt Impact Consumers?
Congress is responsible for ensuring the government stays funded, but you might still be curious about the national debt and how it relates to the federal deficit.
Here are six ways the rising national debt could potentially impact Americans.
When the government needs to borrow more, they’ll need to increase yields on Treasury bills, I Bonds and other fixed-income instruments to make those investments attractive to investors. And while this can translate into higher yields on savings accounts, it also means higher mortgage rates, making the housing market unaffordable to some Americans. Consumers will likely pay more in interest on their credit cards and other loans as well, since those interest rates rise when the Fed raises interest rates, too.
While America’s grappling with paying more at the grocery store, the national debt at current levels could cause inflationary trends to continue.
Increased Treasury yields could make American businesses appear to be riskier investments abroad, which could force companies to raise yields on new bonds to make them attractive investments. The more companies have to pay to keep their debts in good standing, the more pressure to increase product prices. Higher product prices mean higher revenues, which is how companies can pay their debt obligations.
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This video is a really good lesson about international commercial, economic, and monetary wars,
explained in an easy-to-understandable manner by KBS 기자 (?) 박종훈.