2020.07.30 02:23
昭君怨 初唐東方虬 소군원 초당동방규 其一: 기일 漢道初全盛,朝廷足武臣. 한도초전성, 조정족무신. 何須薄命妾,辛苦遠和親。 하수박명첩, 신고원화친? 其二; 기이 掩涕辭丹鳳,銜悲向白龍。 엄체사단봉, 함비향백룡。 單于浪驚喜,無復舊時容。 선우낭경희, 무부구시용. 其三; 기삼 胡地無花草, 春來不似春。 호지무화초, 춘래불사춘. 自然衣帶緩, 非是爲腰身。 자연의대완, 비시위요신. |
소군의 원망 초당시인 동방규 제1회 한나라 국운은 초기에 전성하였으니, 조정에는 무신이 넉넉했도다. 어찌 박명한 여인으로 하여금, 멀리 화친하는 괴로움을 겪게했던고? 제2회 울던 얼굴을 감추고 단봉성을 떠나, 슬픔을 삼키며 백룡대로 향하네. 선우는 깜짝 놀라고 기뻐했으나, 다시는 그 옛날 얼굴이 아니었네. 제3회 오랑캐 땅에 꽃과 풀이 없으니, 봄이 와도 봄 같지 않도다. 스스로 옷띠가 느슨해지니, 이는 허리몸매를 위함이 아니로다. |
妾薄命: 박명한 여인 胡地無花草 春來不似春: 오랑캐땅에 꽃과 풀이 없으니... 昭君怨 東方虬 Youtube 昭君怨(小曲) 譯文如下:아래와 같이 번역하다. |
2020.07.30 02:38
2020.07.30 09:50
Great job, my friend, great job!!!
I enjoyed the videos as well so much. BTW, is there any way to copy the lyrics/poems of the song on the second video?
Though I couldn't understand each word clearly I was able to grasp its general feeling as a whole and I like that!
Warm regards,
P.S. 소식/소동파(蘇東波) you mentioned reminds me of such beautiful 서호/항주!!!! I worry how much current flooding gave a damage to such jewel of Chinese history!
2020.07.30 11:59
Dear BB: I believe you have read my message re. how to find the video of your choice.
Again, please enter "昭君怨(小曲) - Tracy小翠絲" at the Google space and then click Google Search.
You will see the next page showing three videos, out of which the right one and middle one should be the ones you want.
If we were together, I can try to read and interpret the Chinese scripts, which are as moving as the poem itself.
They are so sad and melancholic! The yuong woman was almost abandoned to the Barbarian land and King.
I wish you to enjoy these two videos.
Best regards.
Kwan Ho
2020.07.31 10:05
Thanks a lot, again, KwanHo.
I enjoyed all three with different feelings.
P.S. BTW, I downloaded the melodie/music of the third one:找不著藉口 - Tracy小翠絲 https://youtu.be/Kfk-SR_PUFk to listen to it later. Quite a melancholic melody on the Western/modern style with a tinge of traditional Chinese tune.
2020.07.31 05:52
Current situations with Sanxia Dam i.e. The Three Gorges Dam, seem to be in very serious trouble.
According to the news, the flow raised the dam's water level to a record high of 164.2 meters just shy of the maximal level of 175 meters.
I don’t know whether all the historical relics including 촉한 장비묘 could be buried or not. Let’s hope for the best as of now.
Kwan Ho
2020.07.31 11:10
Not only 촉한 장비묘 but so many historical relics along Yangtze River were already under the water when Three Gorges Dam was fully filled up. Indeed, that was the reason why I took the Yangtze Cruise in 1995 from Chongqing to Wuhan with my mentor, Melville Williams, the founder of transplant-vascular surgery program at the Johns Hopkins, who was born at Suzhou (his father was a missionary and professor of sociology) located next to Shanghai, side by side with Hangzhou.
We stopped over more than a dozen places related to 삼국지, which were expected to go under the water when the dam is filled with the water, besides the famous 장비 사당/temple located along the southern bank- I heard they will relocate it up the higher place before the water is filled up!-. Yes, so many places with such historical value were simply abandoned by the Party, and sadly no one could dare to speak up through the ordinary Chinese people/intellectuals share the exact same view with us.
Anyhow, the historical amount of the rain at Chongqing region/촉 for the last two months will have no place to go but pouring into 사천분지 so that so many 삼국지-related historical sites will be further damaged along Yangtze River.
여기서 왕소군의 불행을 읊은 시는 당분간 끝내겠다. 여러분이 보았듯이 이곳에 올린 모든 시는 당왕조 시인의 시이다. 추후에 기회가 오면 대략 400년 후 쯤 생긴 송왕조 시인들의 시를 올리려고 한다. 그 중에 걸출한 문인 두 사람의 시이다.
한 사람은 구양수(歐陽脩)이며, 다른 한 사람은 왕안석(王安石)이며 같은 시대에 살았고, 아마 대립관계에 있었다고 믿는다. 그들은 소동파(蘇東波)와 더불어 당송팔대가(唐宋八大家)에 속하며, 그 시는 제목이 똑같이 명비곡(明妃曲)으로 불리운다.
당송팔대가란 중국 당나라와 송나라 때의 여덟 명의 뛰어난 문장가이니, 당의 한유, 유종원과, 송의 구양수ㆍ왕안석ㆍ증공ㆍ소순ㆍ소식ㆍ소철등을 이른다.
I wish you to have great time with the current poem.