ROME — Men who join the Jesuits, the Roman Catholic Church’s largest religious order, take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and promise never to take any high office in the church.
2013.03.17 04:28
New Pope Puts Spotlight on Jesuits, |
2013.03.17 14:25
2013.03.18 10:50
Ignatius of Loylola(1491-1556)
(from the book, Voices of the Saints by Bert Ghezzi, 2000)
The life of St Ignatius of Loyola is an antidote for Christians who exhaust themselves
seeking God's plan for their lives.
Ignatius founded the Society of Jesus, a religious community that has had earthshaking
influence on the modern world. But he did not do it deliberately by searching out God's design.
He merely surrendered to God in all the circumstances of his life.
A Basque nobleman and soldier, Ignatius pursued a military career until a cannonball shattered
his leg during a war against France in 1521.
While recovering at Loyola in northern Spain, he read the only books available -- a life of Christ
and lives of saints-- and experienced a profound conversion.
The next year Ignatius prayed and did penance at Manresa, and there he wrote the first draft
of his famous Spiritual Exercises. The following passage from that book displays his own typical
"Man is created to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord, and by this means to save his soul.
All other things on the face of the earth are created for man to help him fulfill the end for which
he is created.
From this it follows that man is to use these things to the extent that they will help him to attain
this end. Likewise, he must rid himself of them in so far as they prevent him from attaining it.
Therefore we must make ourselves indifferent to all created things, in so far as it is left to
the choice of free will and is not forbidden.
Acting accordingly, for our part, we should not prefer health to sickness, riches to poverty,
honor to dishonor, a long life to a short one.
And so in all things we should desire and choose only those things that will best help us
attain the end for which we are created."
To prepare himself to work for souls, Ignatius went back to school.
He studied philosophy at Paris, where he gathered six like-minded companions
who became the first Jesuits.
They formed the "company of Jesus" in 1534 when they took vows of poverty and chastity.
Ignatius dreamed that the group would evangelize Muslims in Palestine, but that did not happen.
By 1537 all seven had been ordained priests and taken additional vows, one of obedience and
another to go where the pope sent them.
Rome gave official approval to the Society of Jesus three years later.
Ignatius was chosen the first general of his order.
The Jesuits were immediately in demand everywhere.
They served as leaders of the Catholic Reformation in Europe.
Soon Jesuits were serving as missionaries in India, China, Ethiopia, Congo, South America,
and Canada.
Perhaps the community's most significant contribution came through their progressive
educational system.
After 1540, Ignatius governed the Jesuits from Rome.
He died suddenly on July 31, 1556.
By that date, one thousand Jesuits were serving in nine European provinces, not counting
those working in foreign missions.
He prayed,
"Receive, Lord, all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my whole will.
You have given me all that I have, all that I am, and I surrender all to your divine will,
in order that you may dispose of me.
Give me only your love and your grace.
With this I am rich enough, and I have no more to ask."
The new Pope Francis, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio는 Jesuits의 한사람이라합니다.
Jesuits는 Catholic의 한 분파로서 그들은 無職位, 無所有, 교회에 대한 절대적 복종의 원측을 약속하고 살면서
사회의 밑바닥에서 종교를 전파하고 가르치며 사회봉사를 하는 group이라합니다.
그런 사람이 어떻게 어지럽게 높은 Vatican의 교황의 職位에 올랐는가 하는것이
이글의 제목과 내용의 일부입니다.
본인은 잘 모르지만, 교황은 자기가 원해서 되는것이 아니고,
교회의 시킴을 따라서 복종하여 하는것 같습니다.
그것으로 설명이 되겠지요.