


CNN — 

A New York jury convicting Donald Trump on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records brought the former president’s weekslong trial to a close but ushered in a new phase of the historic case.

Now in the unique position of being the first former US president convicted of a felony, Trump faces the possibility of a prison sentence or probation for his crimes stemming from a hush money payment scheme he helped facilitate ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Trump  – who is known for mounting lengthy appeals of court rulings against him – is also likely to appeal the conviction, which could significantly delay his sentencing, currently set for July 11.


*Trump, a convicted felon is likely to win November 5th Presidential election. Today's 

guilty verdict will not change the most of American voter's mind in November 5th. 

Unfortunately, the people who support Trump think that they are patriots who will save

the country. In America, a felon can run for President. 

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