2024.11.11 08:12
충성파’ 중심의 내각 구성 원칙을 밝힌 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인이 10일(현지시간) 미 상원의 인준 절차를 생략하겠다는 뜻을 내비쳤다. 이번 선거에서 공화당이 상원의 다수당이 되면서 고위공직자 임명에 따른 부담이 줄어든 상태임에도, 후보자 인준 과정에서 불거질 논란이나 민주당의 반대가 예상되는 의회 절차를 아예 건너뛰고 '속전속결' 인사를 하겠다는 의도로 풀이된다. [출처:중앙일보] https://www.joongang.co.kr/article/25291100
2024.11.12 09:45
2024.11.13 18:13
The End of American Exceptionalism; Foreign Affairs
The only thing uncontroversial about Donald Trump is how he won his second term. Despite polls showing a statistical dead heat and fears of a long, drawn-out wait for election results, Trump was declared the winner early last Wednesday morning. Unlike in 2016, he won the popular vote as well as the Electoral College, improving his margins in almost every demographic. Republicans won a strong Senate majority of 53 seats, and they look likely to maintain control of the House of Representatives. To the rest of the world, the picture should be clear: Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement will define U.S. foreign policy for the next four years.
Any close observer of Trump’s first term should be familiar with his foreign policy preferences as well as his foreign policy process. However, there are likely to be three significant differences between Trump’s first- and second-term foreign policies. First, Trump will come into office with a more homogeneous national security team than he had in 2017. Second, the state of the world in 2025 is rather different than it was in 2017. And third, foreign actors will have a much better read of Donald Trump.
2024.11.14 18:36
트럼프 세력은 상하 양원, 대법원과 행정부를 장악했다. 그들은 미국을 백인 중심
의 나라로 만들 것이다. 새로운 백인 중심의 미국은 고립주의와 보호무역을 지향
할 것이다. 그들은 이 세가지를 실천에 옮길 수 있는 권력을 장악했다고 볼 수 있다.
그러나 미국이 중국과의 무역을 트럼프 입맛대로 하기는 그리 쉽지 않을 것이다. 미국
은 중국에게 막대한 빚을 지고 있고 수많은 기업이 중국에서 사업을 하고 있다. 그 예로
트럼트의 열열한 지지자인 일란 머스크는 중국에 많은 테슬러 공장을 운영하고 있다.
2024.11.18 17:27
The big fish can always get away from the net and swim away.
It's the "small fish" like us who get caught and then go up on the cutting board.
Still, it is known as a democratic process. ㅎ, ㅎ, ㅎ.
Let's not get too upset with Trump. He will keep shooting his own feet.
An idiot is always an idiot.
Just relax and let's watch him and see what comes on our lap.
Please remember that Trump's beginning may be advantageous to us Koreans.
We should utilize Trump and then throw him away later.
Soon, he may get impeached or assassinated.
He is not able to survive in the American way of democratic life.