2016.11.03 09:50
그 나라 망하니 베옷을 입으시고, 1.♬ 그 나라 망하니 베옷을 입으시고 그 영화(榮華) 버리니 풀뿌리 맛보셨네 애닯다 우리태자 그마음 뉘 알꼬 풍악산 험한곳에 한품은 그 자취 지나는 길손마다 눈물을 지우네 2.♬ 태자성(太子城) 옛 터엔 새들이 지저귀고 거(居)하신 궁(宮)들은 터조차 모르도다 슬퍼라 우리태자 어데로 가신고 황천강 깊은물에 뿌리신 눈물만 곱곱이 여울되어 만고에 흐르네. 작자 이은상 마의태자 묘 Kwan Ho Chung - November 3, 2016 |
2016.11.03 21:12
2016.11.03 23:24
'마의 태자'라는 노래가 그동안 몇곡으로 불리워 졌군요.
이사람이 젊은 시절 흥얼거리던곡은 안기영씨의 곡 뿐인데
나이들만큼들고 젊은 나이에 고국을 떠난 또다른 증표가
비운의 신라 마지막 태자의 애절한 이야기를 자기 처지에
승화시켜 술이나 한잔곁드릴때면 얼마나 많은 사람들이
이 노래를 애절하게 불렀을까? 그런것이 우리 민족의 정서가
아닐런지요. 감사합니다. 규정
2016.11.05 06:07
Dr. 황: 나는 마의태자의 시, 가곡과 전설 정도의 지식을 알았지,
자세한 내용은 몰랐습니다.
최근 Facebook에서 알 게 된 분으로부터 강원도 인제지역에
태자의 후손 김씨가 살고 있으며 거기에는 몇 종파가 있어서
각파가 정통임을 주장하여 약간의 혼란이 있다고 하며,
현재에 그곳에서 발굴 연구도 활발하였고, 또 태자의 축제도
열린다고 하여 조금 재료를 모으는 중인데 정리되는대로
여기 Comment Section에 올리려고 합니다. 아무튼 천여년 전에
가신 태자를 추모하니 영혼에 위로가 될 듯 싶습니다.
2016.11.06 05:59
Dear WM: I tried to attach this video, it didn't work. Let me explain what I did step by step.
2016.11.06 09:47
Doc, Sorry for the delay. I just came back from the golf course.
I think you uploaded (wrote) your code in Rich Text Mode
(the usual way the website shows the writing space to you).
So, the website treated it as a group of texts (not as codes) and showed exactly as they were.
You have to write them in HTML (source) mode for the website to treat (interpret and execute) them
like bona fide HTML codes.
As you had done thousand times already, you have to click the "Source button"
that is the last square button in the first row (out of three) of the "rich text editor" buttons
on the top of the writing space.
In editing mode, if you see the pictures and video screens, you are in Rich Text mode.
There, you should not put codes because the codes will not be excuted.
If you are in HTML mode, you only see HTML codes and plain texts. (No pictures, no tables, no video screens)
There, your codes will be executed into pictures, tables, and videos.
In case the "rich text editor buttons"' do not show up when you are writing,
(IMPORTANT REMINDER: Usually they (the edit buttons) show up in the edit mode
of the main webpage, but may not show when you are writing comments.)
you click the small "up button" at the right upper outside of the whie writing space.
2016.11.06 14:25
I have been using the same HTML codes after having clicked "Source" button, and there has been no problem. If I use a new webpage by clicking "Write" button, and start this new webpage including the new video code, I can do that. Since I was trying to incorporate this new video to the existing website, I was not successful in bringing this video here. I don't understand what magic you used to upload this video into the existing webpage. Incidentally I haven't used Rich Text Editor yet. Now I have to learn how to add new pictures or videos to the existing webpage. Previously I just clicked the edit button and opened my prior HTML coded writing, then I could make whatever changes I wanted, but with this new plan, I can't change or add anything in my webpage. There is no edit button or no way to go back to the editing of the webpage. Isn't there any way to open into my editing in order to make some changes whenever I want?
2016.11.06 15:22
There was no magic. I just did it exactly same as you had done always in the past.
Here's the steps I did to upload the video with musical notations.
1. Just below the webpage (just below your larger portrait), I click "Update" button
2. Now you have the Rich Text Version of your webpage in the edit widow with tables, colors, and pictures.
3. instead of doing anything, click the "Source" button at the end of the first row of the Rich Text Editor buttons.
Then you will be shown HTML edit page. You don't see any table, colors, or pictures at all except all codes and plain texts.
4. Scroll down to below to go to the last part of your webpage codes.
Find a place just above your signature name and paste the iframe code there. Then you click the "Submit" button.
5. That's it. Your video is exactly where you pasted the codes.
If you don't understand, please call me on the phone at about 7:00PM my time (about 10 or 11:00PM your time) tomorrow.
2016.11.06 19:48
Finally I opened the edit page after update and source were clicked. And I was able to copy and paste the following address, but there was only empty space instead of video. May I ask you to attach the same video here below 송창식 video as you did yesterday? Then I will enter the edit page and learn what my problem is. Thank you.
2016.11.07 01:29
Doc, I put on two videos. Please do not remove my two videos until you learned why.
Nothing wrong having two identical video codes in a webpage.
The problem is that your codes lacks "src=http(video URL)....". Please see below. This is what you put on.
마의태자 악보동영상 박재홍<br />
<iframe frameborder="0" height="360" scrolling="no" width="640"></iframe></font><br />
This means there was an error in your "src=video URL...". That's why the website removed the whole thing.
Please find the correct URL of the 마의태자 악보동영상. Then it will work.
You should not have removed my codes. Please don't be in such a hurry to remove mine.
Just put up another one of yours and compare yours and mine side by side.
Then, you would have known what was wrong with your codes.
I will remove all of mines (codes and comments) after you suceed.
2016.11.07 03:24
This is the most frustrating experience.
Briefly, I never put on <font color="#0000cd" size="3"><iframe frameborder="0" height="360" scrolling="no" width="640"></iframe></font><br /> or <iframe frameborder="0" height="360" scrolling="no" width="640"></iframe><br /><br />.
I always used <iframe width="640" height="360" src='http://videofarm.daum.net/controller/video/viewer/Video.html?vid=kS36MmteHpM$&play_lo c=undefined&alert=true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' ></iframe><br /><br />
However since the video didn’t appear, I opened the edit page as you advised. The lo and behold! This nice thing, <iframe width="640" height="360" src='http://videofarm.daum.net/controller/video/viewer/Video.html?vid=kS36MmteHpM$&play_lo c=undefined&alert=true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' ></iframe><br /><br />, disappeared while leaving only the small fragments such as the above two parts.
I now believe this old daum-related URL isn’t compatible with our new format.
Incidentally when I looked at the webpage just now, the upper 박재홍 was blank, and the lower 박재홍 was all right. So I went into the edit page and copied both of them, and then submitted. At this time the lower video was also gone. Again the edit page showed fragmentation of the lower video URL.
I put on the right URL, and it didn’t appear. Yours appeared in the lower 박재홍, but not in the upper 박재홍. But after I only copied the good one and submitted, it also broke,
That’s the whole story. Probably daum-related video URL doesn’t work in the new format.
2016.11.07 12:41
Now, I know.
The video URL that came from Daum is a transient URL that changes everyday,
so that we can not use it in our or other websites.
Daum has been doing this trick for some time. Even regular picture URL have the same
changing URL that make them disappear soon after uploading the URL.
The music note viseo that I uploaded also had vaporized now. It's gone !
This means that certain (not all) DAUM photos or videos can not be used in our or other external websites.
This is nothing new. I guess you got caught unknowingly in this DAUM's hiding game.
Thanks for your replies.
Suppose you really want to keep the video in your computer or in the website, leglly or illegally,
you have to either download or sceen-capture it and save as a file in your own computer.
This amounts to a "stealing" the video or photo from DAUM.
If you play this video by uploading it in the Youtube, you may get caught.
But if you just play it in your own computer screen, nobody (including they) would know about your piracy.
If you want to, you can steal anything that show up on your computer screen.
No matter how smart DAUM may be, they can not stop determined thief from stealing their data.
I have been the thief off and on for a while and, now, you are trying to be one.
2016.11.07 14:28
Ha, Ha, Ha. So I have become a thief unknowingly. It's a disgrace to an old-fashioned 군자(君子).
I will delete and try to find some other Youtube from the same composer, 박재홍.
Thank you for your time, effort and help.
By the way it's getting late, and tomorrow is a big day.
We plan to go to the County Board of Elections early in the morning.
Have a great day tomorrow.
I just replaced daum-related 박재홍 with current youtube 박재홍. Please enjoy this new music.
It happened that the images are not seen because of the web of Photobucket.com shut down due to its maintenance.
It will come back shortly.