

Music My Grandson

2024.03.15 08:59

노영일*68 Views:139

My Grandson
우리 외손자가 이번에 미국 전국 클래식 뮤직 라디오 에 방송되었습니다.

Cameron Renshaw was featured on From the Top, a radio show that features the performances and stories of some of America’s top young Classical musicians and is broadcast nationally on National Public Radio. He is honored to have completed From the Top’s Fellowship program 2023-24. Check out his fun interview and heartfelt performance of one of his favorite pieces, the Swan by Camille Saint-Saens, which he enjoyed revisiting since he first worked on it five years ago!

Cameron’s bio https://fromthetop.org/musician/cameron-renshaw/   (with recording of full radio broadcast including interview)

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