2024.06.13 22:46
운영자 Views:80
[김태산_4부] 북한여권으로 인천공항에 도착한 북한대사관 가족의 황당한 입국! KOREA 유미카
2024.06.13 22:50
I have no idea what this story is about.
A joke? A comedy? A show? Am I making a stupid mistake?
Anyway, at least, please enjoy.
2024.06.13 23:01
Another funny story?? Believe it or not?
[장혁_3부] 개성공단이 북한주민들에게 준 영향력! 북한 주민들이 환장하는 한국상품! 유미카
I have no idea what this story is about.
A joke? A comedy? A show? Am I making a stupid mistake?
Anyway, at least, please enjoy.