2008.07.16 02:52
2008.07.16 15:04
2008.07.17 00:53
그 추위 속에서 나팔을 부셨어요?
그것도 그 엄청난 킬리만자로 정상에서요 참으로 대단하십니다
클라리넷이 아마도 트럼펫이나 색소폰처럼 야외에서 내는 소리는 우렁차지가 않지요 물론
실내에서도 우렁찰 것 까지야 없지만서도요 섬세한 구석이 많은 악기잖아요 그나저나
참 감격스러웠겠어요 좋은 기억으로 간직하시기를
2008.07.17 01:33
No. | Subject | Date | Author | Last Update | Views |
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Notice | How to use Rich Text Editor [3] | 2016.06.28 | 운영자 | 2018.10.19 | 7161 |
Notice | How to Write a Webpage | 2016.06.28 | 운영자 | 2020.12.23 | 45033 |
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Clarinet들고 많이 돌아 다니셨군요.
찬란한 무대위에서 수많은 관중 앞에서 연주하는게 어떠했을가 상상도 못하겠군요.
I was once a student of clarinet (repeat: a student) and performed my last clarinet recital
at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro at 9:00AM on Decemeber 27, 1988 in front of 5 moutain climbers.
The theater of mine was truly very naked basic. There was nothing but snow and rocks.
No ceiling, no walls or chairs ... Don't even worry about the applauding audiences ...
There were only 5 exhausted and dehydrated climbers who didn't even know
that I had been carrying a clarinet in my backpack.
Leaning against a pile of rocks that was holding the summit pole, I played....
It must have been the most humble performance that the humanity had ever seen.
Ha, ha, ha... Here's the part of the scene in my journal.
We were walking parallel to the vertical edge of huge southern glacier. It seemed to be a long way and, after the exhausting climb through the deep snow, we were very slow. I, together with Boris, finally reached the summit of Kilimanjaro (5,895m) at9:00 AM joining the people waiting for us.
THE UHURU PEAK; I sat down under the two wooden poles where the steel box and a pile of rock marked the summit. I quickly took my clarinet out and put them together to play. My tongue was so dry that I couldn't make the reed wet enough to make good sounds. And after a while, one or two of the keys had gotten frozen in the freezing air.
After a picture of me by Tom, I gave up the "Beautiful Dreamer" and "A Moment In Time". Fortunately, the visibility was fairly clear but the view below wasn't as good as I expected. The huge southern glacier was spreading wide to the south blocking most of the view to the south. To the north, the northern rim and northern glacier to the east was covered with dense fog. It was rapidly coming to our direction over the volcanic crater. The view was wide open to the east but the eastern African plain was covered with heavy clouds. I didn't have enough time to have a summit picture of myself. Tom was in a hurry and we left the summit at9:20 AM .