2016.07.06 23:38
다른 webpage밑에 comment를 쓰는 방법
혹시 실수할까봐 겁내시거나 걱정하지 마십시요. 언제나 자기가 쓴것을 삭제할수있읍니다. 만일 마음에 들지 않는 실수나 바꾸고 싶은 부분이 있으면 Comment바로 밑에있는 "Update"를 click하시면 다시 comment 편집으로 들어가고 거기서 바꾸시거나 보태시면됩니다. 또 쓴것이 맘에 않들면, 제일 밑에있는 "Delete"를 click하시어 아무때나 완전히 삭제해 버리면 됩니다. 한글이나 영어, 漢字를 맘대로 섞어쓰셔도 됩니다. 문법이나 Spelling틀리는것도 걱정 마십시요. 본인은 세종대왕께서 한글을 창시한 원래의 의도대로 "소리 나는대로 쓰기"를 주장하며, 생전가도 다 배울수 없고, 배워도 "조령모개 (朝令暮改)"되는 "철자법의 폐지"를 주장하는 사람입니다.
2016.07.07 19:31
2016.07.08 01:59
Hi, Doc;
The standards in the snucmaa.us belong to the old technology which has gotten outdated already.
That's why the new website came into being. And tomorrow, it has to be another website and so on.
What looks good there means nothing because it won't be like that in the newer software environments.
I think we have to change those to fit the new standards of today.
Of course, the new standard of today becomes obsolete again tomorrow.
I think we have to keep moving following the trend. There is no rest in this business.
Whatever is on the old website will become useless very soon.
For example, in the assumed future Windows 15, your web pages may not even show up.
All your web pages on the old website are here on the new website.
I have taken great pain to move them. If you want to change or improve the old web pages,
please do it "here", not there. At there, it will be just wasted efforts.
Unfortunately, we do not have any other choices. It's not me. It is the progress and trend in technology.
I am totally helpless. I can not do anything to keep it unchanged.
詩的으로 말씀드리자면, 본인은 강물에 떠내려 가는 종이배, 아니면 바람에 날러가는 낙옆입니다.
And, so are you.
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Dear WM:
I wish you continue to keep the prior homepage, which is SNUCMAA.US, as the original documents for its historical value though the current SNUMA. NET is superior. I have been working there for almost two years with more than 150 webpages and developed my personal attachments to them. Sorry to say that the transferred works are not as good as the original, which is really 진품. I just wonder other members sharewith my sentiment.