

Info Escape from the Mayo Clinic

2018.08.19 03:39

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Escape from the Mayo Clinic:

How CNN reported the story


 By Elizabeth Cohen and John Bonifield, CNN Health

Updated 9:15 AM ET, Fri August 17, 2018


More details of the account including a comprehensive video:


This updated report is part of the series,"Escape from the Mayo Clinic." It explains how CNN reported the story and responds to criticisms made by Mayo Clinic officials after CNN published the first and second parts.
Since CNN published the "Escape from the Mayo Clinic" stories, Mayo Clinic issued several responses that are critical of CNN's reporting. Mayo's responses misrepresent several facts.


In its response:

Mayo refuses to acknowledge that the patient in this story, Alyssa Gilderhus, an adult, asked to be transferred, and that her family asked as well. Mayo claims that it had no idea Alyssa wanted to leave Mayo, even though there's written proof that she did, and Mayo had access to those writings.


Mayo completely misrepresents the nature of a meeting held between CNN staffers and Mayo staffers in March. Mayo insisted that the meeting

remain off the record, yet now says that the meeting was on the record. CNN has written proof that Mayo's public statements regarding this meeting are false.

Mayo refuses to acknowledge that although Mayo doctors said Alyssa was desperately ill and needed to stay in the hospital, less than 12 hours after Alyssa left the hospital, Sanford Health, a teaching hospital in South Dakota, said that Alyssa did not need to be hospitalized and sent her home.


Mayo fails to discuss that while it said it would be dangerous for her to go home, she has flourished in the year and a half since she left Mayo. She no longer needs physical or speech therapy and will start college in a few weeks.
Alyssa says Mayo's response has further traumatized her, and that she fully supports CNN's article, which she says shed light on what she describes as her horrific treatment at Mayo.

Mayo's criticisms of CNN reveal its own inaccurate and inconsistent statements about what happened during Alyssa's hospitalization after, at age 18, she suffered a burst aneurysm on Christmas Day, 2016.
Mayo has contradicted one of its own nurses about the day Alyssa left the hospital and literally laughed off a request from a lawyer representing Alyssa who asked that she be transferred to another hospital. A top Mayo executive expressed regret at how his own staffers handled the situation.


Mayo also has made critical misrepresentations about the ground rules for a four-hour meeting five Mayo staffers had with the authors of this story, Elizabeth Cohen and John Bonifield, on March 28 at Mayo offices in Rochester, Minnesota.
After CNN released its story on Monday, Mayo said that the meeting had been on the record, and CNN should have published the details.
However, CNN has proof in writing that before the story came out, Mayo officials had demanded that the meeting 
be considered off the record and that the information should not be reported publicly.

(Highlights in emails were added by CNN.)

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