2012.10.25 04:20
Palin accuses Obama of ‘shuck and jive shtick’ By Mike Krumboltz, 16 hrs ago |
2012.10.25 04:38
2012.10.25 05:53
2012.10.25 10:26
Shuck and jive:
1. disguise, pretend
2. The act of moving your body from side to side while twisting your words to make a conversation to pursuade someone to belive in what you are saying is the truth.
3. To shuck and jive" originally referred to the intentionally misleading words and actions that African-Americans would employ in order to deceive racist Euro-Americans in power, both during the period of slavery and afterwards.
4. "Shucking and jiving" was a tactic of both survival and resistance. A slave, for instance, could say eagerly, "Oh, yes, Master," and have no real intention to obey. Or an African-American man could pretend to be working hard at a task he was ordered to do, but might put up this pretense only when under observation.
5. To act like a nigger
This phrase was popular in 1920s and was pointing specifically to the black people then.
shtick also schtick or shtik
1. A characteristic attribute, talent, or trait that is helpful in securing recognition or attention.
2. An entertainment routine or gimmick.
3. a comedian's routine; act; piece
4. a cunning or deceitful action or device
I don't know why the idiotic Republicans are so upset about the Benghazi, Libya incident.
The U.S. had to be very careful in it's response to the Libyan embassy mishap.
They had to know exactly what happened before making any comments.
Even today, we still are not certain what and who were the background force.
We do not want to blame Libyan government or anyone else unless we knew for sure.
It took a long time to have assessed the situation.
Should Obama have fired a nuclear missile to Libya as soon as he heard the news?
That kind of mentality is exactly what George Bush had when he invaded Iraq on a false information
(that he probably created "willfully and artificially" in his own Christian heroism.)
We are still suffering physically and finacially from the fiasco that Republicans created.
The Republicans have no standing in criticizing Obama's foreign policy.
They should look back their own miserable and moronic performance.
We can say that "The Iraqi War is George Bush's shuck and jive shtick."
Sarah Palin is trying to get some recognition by "her shuck and jive shtick."
Sorry Sarah, it won't work. You just helped Obama !!
by WM
이것을 보면 (Palin이 공공연하게 이런 얘기를 벌렸다는것) 아직도 백인들의 뇌리에 남겨저있는
인종차별의 뿌리 깊은 의식과 그 잔재를 아직도 볼수있읍니다.
그러기 때문에 우리 Korean들은 Obama가 4년간 더 대통령직에 머물기를 바래야됩니다.
세금 조금 덜 낼려고 Romney를 찍으면, 우리 후손들에게 막대한 손해를 줄수있다는것을 아십시요.
Obama의 4년이 America의 Even Melting Pot을 만드는데 크게 기여할것이라 생각합니다.
물론 유색인종들의 정치계 적극 참여에도 큰 도움이 되겠지요.
운영자로서, 또 한사람의 Korean으로서,
I am not afraid to say what, I believe, is good for us Koreans in the long run.