
Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve
금년에는 우리가 California에 이사온 후에 기다리고 기다리던 단비들이 내려서 갈색의 음침한 Canyon들을 생명감이 도는 green 과 yellow(유채화)로 아름답게 장식하여 줍니다. 드이어, 그동안 벼루고 있었던 야생화, California Poppy Reserve에 가서 California State Flower, goldish yellow orange beatiful flowers에 흠벅 젖어 호강을 하였습니다.
poppy는 2개의 다른 gene이 petal color를 결정한다고 한다.(물론 땅의 수분이 영향을 주지만) The first gene sets the poppy petal's base color as yellow. The second gene creats the more typical orange coloras large "dot" on top of the yellow. In the first of the blooming season, when soil is moist, orange dot is large enough to completely cover the patals, creating the orange blossoms associated with California poppy. Later in the season, when the soil is drier, the subsequent flowers that emerge have a smaller orange dot and the yellow starts to show.
( this photo from internet)
photo webpage by Chomee April, 2017
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