2012.06.22 04:51
이규용배 Golf Outing에 관한 소식입니다. 이운순 선생님 (’58) 내외분이 참석하신다고 연락을 주셨고, 이정국 선생님(’60) 도 참석 하신다고 연락을 주셨습니다. 지금까지의 참석자 명단과 총 17분의 Hole Sponsor 명단을 다시 Update해서 보내드립니다. 참석자 명단 ’58 박호현(& Mrs.), 이만택(& Mrs.), 이운순(& Mrs.) ’59 방석운 ’60 이정국 ’61 한수웅, 이희경, 김성준 ’62 이상무(& Mrs.), Mrs. Theresa Kim (Dr. 김한종’s wife) ’63 윤영섭(& Mrs.), 한기현, 이능석, 추재옥, 김진홍, 장인호 ’64 이웅만(& 사위 Raj), 유창남(& Mrs.), 신두식(& Mrs.), 이정필 (& Mrs.), 권정덕 & 홍선경, 오유섭, 조성준, 한태진, 이유찬, 주의돈, 최준희 ’66 최순채(& Mrs.), 민발식(& Mrs.), 이종현, 남궁승, 이영일, ’67 한영수, 노여수, 조득환 ’69 김중권(& Mrs.), 육순재(& Mrs.) ’70 방준재 ’71 정인용(& Mrs.) ’72 오용호(& Mrs.) ’73 문대옥(& Mrs.), 서인석, 방병기, Mrs. 임혜기(Dr. 임준형’s wife) ’78 이상오(& Mrs.) ’79 백승원(& Mrs.), 임진호 Hole Sponsors (17명) 이규용 (’41), 이만택 (’58), 이상무 (’62), 추재옥 (’63), 조성준 (’64), 허선행 (’64), 이유찬 (’64), 권정덕 (’64), 한영수 (’67), 방준재 (’70), 정인용 (’71), 서인석 (’73). 문대옥 (’73), 임진호 (’79), 백승원 (’79), 최영철 (guest), Bank Asiana 6월27일 수요일 1:00 PM shotgun Start 날씨도 점점더 환상적으로 바뀌고 있습니다. 또 연락드리겠습니다. 건강하십시요. 백승원 (’79) 올림 andrewbaik5@gmail.com
2012.06.22 08:55
2012.06.22 18:26
Weather Forecast for June 27th, Wednesday;
1. Partly Cloudy
2. 76/59 F
3. Wind - 11 mph
Wonderful Day for Golf
You Can't Ask for More
2012.06.23 07:50
Dr. Lee Kyu-yong sun-bae-nim(41) - 95 years old(?) -
will welcome you at the dinner after your golf.
Dinner only - $40, if you don't have time for playing golf.
2012.06.26 00:41
Final Weather Forecast for Golf Outing Tomorrow;
1. All Sunny, Nothing but Sunny
2. 81/64
3. Wind - 16mph
PS; I shall have a chance to meet with younger brother
of Dr. Luke Ikchang Kim(57) who is coming to our golf
outing as a guest.
He graduated from College of Commerce, SNU.
As you know by now, Dr. Luke Kim wrote a book
- "Cross The Deadline", his autobiography which
was introduced on our site by Dr. Minn Kyung-tak
What An In-yeon This Is! Thanks to Our Site.
2012.06.26 03:43
2012.06.26 09:26
Thank you, Hwang sun-bae-nim, for your comment.
Anyway, I sent a copy of this page to one of the Sigetop Editors
to get on our site. It will be complimentary to each other.
And it's Free, if there is any Notice or Announcement.
It applies to all the Local Chapters of Alumni Association in USA.
I'll ask our tournament chairman to give us the result - On Our Site,
even though I know I'll come home with empty hand,
but would enjoy the occasion - for sure.
2012.06.28 00:46
Report of Golf Outing at Royce Brook Golf Club;
1. Number of Players; 100 - 4 = 96(including 22 Guests)
2. I could play with Mr. Kim Ik-sung, Brother of Dr. Luke Kim(57),
Author of "Cross The Deadline".
Enjoyed His Company, cracking jokes, even though we met
for the first time. Even he gave me Sourvnirs. What a gentle-
man he is and family of SNU Alumni( will write about my after-
thoughts about him and our outing over all next time)
3. My Score? Please, don't ask me. As I said before the game,
I enjoyed Tremendously the Weather and Nature and Golf
4. I asked them - Sigetop Editor and Golf Chairman - to show
the result of the Tournament on our site. Let's see.
I left early because it was getting late and I was afraid
whether I might get lost somewhere in NJ.
This Medical Laborer has things to do everyday - today.
2012.07.04 22:29
I got Second Place by Callaway Scoring System,
as I predicted - net 73. Dr. Roh Yeo-soo(67) was
the Champion with 86 in gross - two years in a row.
I don't know what the Prize was, because I left early.
And I don't care much - just enjoyed the day with my
Dear Dr. Baik(79),
The golf course looks really fantastic, but difficult at the first glimse.
But please, don't let me play with Dr. Roh Yeo-soo(67), or Dr. Lee
Jong-hyun(66). They're too good to compete with. I just want to
enjoy the day of outing to the beautiful Golf Course I've never been.
By the way, since you took over our NY Chapter, I can feel and sense
that you're really doing good job for the Alumni Association.
I appreciate for your time and effort.
See you there at the Royce Brook Golf Club on June 27th.
I can't wait. Thanks, Dr. Baik.