2020.02.09 07:54
NYT “기생충, 이변 일으킬 느낌”…1917과 작품·감독상 접전
기생충, 아카데미 6개 부문 후보
작품상 확률 15%, 1917은 16%
감독상도 21% vs 24%로 박빙
각본·국제영화상은 가능성 높아
[출처: 중앙일보] NYT “기생충, 이변 일으킬 느낌”…1917과 작품·감독상 접전
The Oscars will be on ABC at 5 pm pacific time. I liked 1917 better than Parasite.
I hope Parasite, a Korean movie, gets one of them.
2020.02.09 13:33
2020.02.09 13:58
Joaquin Phoenix was given "lead actor" award(남우 주연상). He played a leading role in Joker.
His acceptance speech was remarkable. Washington and Hollywood are two different worlds.
2020.02.09 14:08
2020.02.09 23:10
When Jane Fonda announced 'Parasite' as the Best Picture Award,
I wouldn't believe my eyes and ears!
This is a history-making event, which we all are extremely proud of as Koreans.
Director, 봉준호 made speech well so as his interpreter.
I have watched this movie and the plots were excellent and somewhat cynical, but funny!
The story is common enough to see easily in our daily life,
but violent scenes at the end part didn't go through my old brain.
Contemporary Korean films, I have watched in recent years were all too
violent and extreme to me! Am I obsolete!
Thanks for presenting this proud news! Dr. 온! KJ
2020.02.10 00:19
2020.02.10 01:03
(CNN)The cast and creative team for "Parasite" took the stage on Sunday to accept the award for best picture, capping off what was a huge night for the film and a significant night for global cinema.
"I feel like a very opportune moment in history is happening right now," producer Kwak Sin Ae said, via translator.
She wasn't wrong. "Parasite" picked up four awards on Sunday night, including a history-making best picture win.
After she spoke, Miky Lee, a Korean entertainment mogul, attempted to take a turn at the mic, but the lights on stage dimmed as the camera prepared to return to Jane Fonda, who would close the night.
But those in the audience protested, asking loudly from their seats for the stage directors to turn the lights back up and let Lee speak.
They won, and she got her turn.
'Parasite' cast and crew, accepting the award for best picture
The film's Oscar campaign sort of played out in a similar way. If at any time it looked like the spotlight on "Parasite" might dim, it would shine again -- first a Palme d'Or award, then history-making SAG Award win, then a BAFTA and so on.
In the end, the infectious buzz around the South Korean film, which centers on two families on opposite sides of South Korea's economic gap, turned out to be too powerful for its Oscar competitors, which included some of Hollywood's most seasoned filmmakers.
"Parasite" is the first non-English film and first South Korean film to win best picture at the Academy Awards. Only 11 non-English language films have ever been nominated in the category.
When asked after the ceremony by CNN's Stephanie Elam how he felt about the film's historic success, director Boon Joon Ho was still taking in the news.
"I think we destroyed the barrier too much!" he joked, via translator Sharon Choi. "I think it's great in life when things happen so fast and that's what's happening tonight."
"Parasite" also picked up best director, best international feature film and best original screenplay.
Heading into Sunday night, "1917" and "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" had been considered major competition for the movie. The question on the minds of many in Hollywood had been whether the Academy would put its votes toward those films -- the likes of which have been recognized in the past (a war epic and a star-packed film from a beloved director) -- or honor a filmmaker and cast less familiar to the mainstream.
With the win for "Parasite," the Academy made a choice to honor a film unlike any of those honored in the past 91 ceremonies.
It's a victory for a community that still struggles to be seen -- one that comes in a year that had been criticized for a lack of individual nominees of color. (Only one actor of color -- Cynthia Erivo, star of "Harriet" -- was nominated this year in the major acting categories.)
Nancy Wang Yuen, a sociologist and author of "Reel Inequality: Hollywood Actors and Racism," previously told CNN that "Parasite" earning best picture could open up opportunities for Asian-American actors, who have a difficult time getting their work recognized on the awards circuit. (For example, "Crazy Rich Asians," which was a success at the box office and a milestone moment for Asian representation, but unsuccessful in its bid for Oscars recognition.)
"I think the fact that Asian Americans are rooting for 'Parasite' is because we still aren't even seeing ourselves in main dramatic roles," she said. "The more Asians succeed on the international stage, I think Asian Americans do feel like that will then open up more opportunities for Asian-American actors in Hollywood."
On social media, the win was hailed.
Sandra Oh, who presented on Sunday night, said, "Congratulations @ParasiteMovie So so proud to be Korean."
"The game has changed," wrote actor Lewis Tan. "I'm in tears. This is historic."
Actor Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, from "Kim's Convenience" added: "Lookit all those Koreans onstage at the #Oscars. So proud my heart is bursting."
2020.02.10 01:11
2020.02.10 01:27
Trump thinks that all foreigners are lesser human beings than white Americans. Hollywood
changed the name of the award that goes to the pictures made in other countries from "foreign"
to "international".The Academy has been criticized that it is the party for themselves, i.e. white
Hollywood actors and actresses. Trump chose isolationism, but Hollywood defied it. The Oscars
spoke to the world that we are determined to be "global". Hollywood looked for one that represents
their ideal to protest against Trump and his followers. Then there was one that made in Korea,
The whole world are living in a capitalistic society with a few exceptions. Income inequality is threatening
the stability of the world economy. Gaps between the haves and the have-nots are widening rapidly.
The top 1% owns 90% of the wealth. The size of the middle class is increasingly smaller. The discontent of
the people who are in the bottom are mounting to be exploded. Trump did not do a goddamn thing about it.
Tax cuts for the wealthy and the corporations are all he did for the economy. Naturally, the gaps have
been getting bigger. However, it is a worldwide phenomenon, America, Korea, and others. People feel it.
It is interesting to see two movies just about the same time; Joker and Parasite. Both movies depicted
the feelings of the majority of common people who belongs to the have-nots. The parasite was in Korean and Joker
was in English. But Bong's genius touch was able to convey the message through the seen before the eyes
of the common people. The language did not matter to understand the movie and people throughout the
world, America, Korea, and others felt it to their hearts.
Since Trump became President, Hollywood is increasingly politicized. Traditionally they were liberals.
But most of the Oscars had gone to white people. I think Trump woke them up. Minorities were much more
visible this year than ever. Among them Koreans were outstanding.
2020.02.10 01:30
Yesterday, Sunday, was a great day for Koreans.
The LPGA tournament, the European men tournament and
the Oscar were all won by Koreans abroad and home.
Certainly a day for celebration for Koreans everywhere!
2020.02.10 02:18
Dr. Hwang and Lee, Thank you for sharing good news together!
South Koreans are performing in the world stage in sports, music and movies.
But the state of South Koreans in the world are lesser known to South Koreans.
The Oscars will give them the confidence that can be proud of themselves.
2020.02.10 03:41
Dr. Ohn,
Your comments are very pertinent as usual.
We old generation of Korea are just happy to see
our young generation doing very well everywhere
exceeding their parents' expectations.
We just have to pray harder that the Almighty God
continue to show them the right path under HIS light.
2020.02.10 06:03
김민 기자 |입력 2020-02-11 03:00:00
[‘기생충’ 오스카 역사 바꾸다]
영화예술과학 회원 8400명이 투표
선거운동 방불하는 ‘오스카 캠페인’… 기생충 100억 투입 반년간 붐 조성
“디즈니 같은 거대 회사가 아니다 보니 물량 대신 감독을 갈아 넣는 식으로…. 엄청난 양의 GV(관객과의 대화)를 진행했다. (송)강호 형님은 텔루라이드 영화제에서 쌍코피도 흘렸다.”(봉준호 감독)
아카데미상(오스카)은 심사위원이 아닌 영화예술과학아카데미(AMPAS) 회원 약 8400명의 투표로 결정된다. 이들의 마음을 사로잡기 위해 배급사와 스튜디오가 엄청난 예산과 물량을 투입해 홍보전을 펼친다. 마치 선거운동을 방불케 해 ‘오스카 캠페인’이라고 부른다. 할리우드 스튜디오는 캠페인 전담팀이 상설 조직으로 있고, 통상 최대 3000만 달러(약 358억 원)를 들이는 것으로 전해진다. 한국 영화 최초로 ‘오스카 캠페인’에 뛰어든 ‘기생충’은 CJ ENM과 북미 배급사인 네온(NEON)이 나서며 100억 원대를 들였을 것으로 영화계는 추정한다. 미국 콜로라도주 텔루라이드 영화제(지난해 8월 30일)를 시작으로 토론토 영화제(9월 5일), 뉴욕 영화제(9월 27일) 등 북미권 영화제 참석으로 개봉 전 ‘붐 조성’ 작업을 했다. 봉 감독도 500번 이상의 외신 인터뷰, 100여 차례 GV에 나섰다. 미국감독조합 제작자조합 등 직능단체를 대상으로 시사회를 열고 파티도 가졌다. 그는 “첫 개봉 주에는 하루에 몇 군데씩, 봉고차 탄 유랑극단처럼 움직였다”고 했다.(동아일보)
2020.02.10 06:33
금주의 자랑스러운 한인 골퍼들(이민우,박희영)!
2020.02.10 08:37
숨은 주역 이미경 “난 봉준호 모든 게 좋다”
[출처: 중앙일보] 숨은 주역 이미경 “난 봉준호 모든 게 좋다”
I thought "1917" will get the best picture award. The epic story of
2 brothers and 2 soldiers during World War I was the most memorable
in 2019 to me.
2020.02.10 09:04
Making Oscar history, 'Parasite' wins best picture
The description of how the Oscar night went.
2020.02.10 14:12
봉감독 개그까지 통역했다, 샤론 최의 영어에 반한 세계인들
[출처: 중앙일보] 봉감독 개그까지 통역했다, 샤론 최의 영어에 반한 세계인들
I went to barbershop to have my haircut. TV was showing News of Oscars and Parasite.
Customers and barber were talking about Korean movie Parasite. One of my neighbors
went to Regal Theater to see Parasite yesterday before Oscars.
There were a few seats left in the front. The movie was shown a few month ago and it
did not last very long. It was brought back after Oscar nomination and it was a different story.
2020.02.11 07:01
Don't be so happy about the movie "Parasite".
The movie shows the dark tragic future of South Korea !!
I uploaded a review video as a new webpage "영화 기생충의 비밀" today.
Please go there and take a look.
2020.02.11 23:55
[출처: 중앙일보] [속보] 감독상·작품상까지…봉준호 '기생충' 아카데미 4관왕
Koreans ruled the Oscars in Hollywood tonight. Parasite got Screenplay, International
Featured Film, the Best Director, and the Best Movie award. Korean movie has finally recognized
in Hollywood. Koreans no longer in the periphery of the world stage.
Bong Jun-ho and others who made it possible did miraculous job overcoming language barriers.
The movie was able to convey the message to all with creative work. I am so proud of them.