

문화란것이 의식주 형태, 언어, 예술 등을 포함한다면, 
해외에 한국 문화 소개는 아직도 상품 소개에 비해서 초보적인 단계라고 생각하지요.
반영구적인 문화 선전은 주로 건물을 포함한 정원등인데 중국 일본 이태리 등에 비하면 
아직도 해외에 많이 알려져있지 못한게 사실이지만 과거 10 여년 동안 조금씩 이곳에도 눈길이 가는가 봅니다.

미국 뉴욕 메트로 포리탄 박물관 제일 위의 층은 아담한 중국 식 정원을 꾸며 놧드군요.
거기 들어가 앉어있으면 중국에 온 기분이 들지요.

제가 찾어본 해외 한국 건물 여기다가 모여 놨는데
더 수소문 하신분은 여기다 연락 해주시면 여기 첨가 해보렵니다. 


1. 파라과이 한국정원

 최근에 조그만  팔각정하나 세웟드군요.

Ñu Guasu tiene ahora un jardin coreano

무어라고 썻는지는 정확히 모르지만, Ñu Guasu 란 동네에 금년 5 월 16 일 한국 정원 들어섯단 얘기 같고

lunes 16 de mayo de 2011

Ñu Guasu tiene ahora un jardín coreano

Autoridades nacionales, entre ellas el presidente Fernando Lugo y el canciller Jorge Lara Castro, habilitaron en la tarde de este lunes un jardín coreano. La obra se realizó en cooperación con el Gobierno de ese país asiático.

La ciudadanía volvió a vivir intensamente las actividades programadas por el Bicentenario en la tarde-noche de ayer. En Ñu Guazú quedó habilitado los Jardines y Pagoda de Korea, mientras que en la nueva costanera, inauguraron la primera parte de las construcciones.


독일  한국 정원 (Frankfurt and Berlin)

Koreanischer Garten im Grüneburgpark Frankfurt

Koreanischer Garten im Grüneburgpark © Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Grünflächenamt

The 4,800-square-meter Korean Garden in the Grüneburgpark was established as part of the host country South Korea's presentation to the Frankfurt book fair in 2005 and is a gift
 to the city of Frankfurt am Main.
This exotic gem is in the style of traditional Korean
scholar gardens that were used since the 16th century as a retreat from artists and
Therefore, the garden for the Frankfurterinnen and Frankfurt will be a
refuge for rest and meditation.

In addition to two impressive pavilions that were built from Korean material, there are
 two square ponds with round Islands.
This has a high symbolism each design element and corresponds to far Eastern philosophies. This applies to the selection of the plants, for example, pine, bamboo, and the plum tree are symbols of long life.
The outline of the Korean garden reflects the four seasons from philosophical point of view. Right in the lobby is the Spring Garden, where scientists waited not only on the Spring Awakening of nature but also on the arrival of their guests. The summer garden with
the "morning dew Pavilion built on wooden pillars" offers rest and relaxation with its large pond, and should be a place of encounter between man and nature according to the Korean tradition.
At the highest point is the autumn Garden, which gives you a comprehensive view of the autumn nature. In the winter garden with its small pond of the "Plum Bower Pavilion", where you can meet for talks, is warmed by the traditional "Ondol" floor heating system.

Thus, this impressive gift is the Frankfurterinnen and frankfurters that bring a piece of culture of the "country of the morning calm" at any time. The garden is open from morning 8 o'clock until the onset of dusk.

Der 4.800 Quadratmeter große Koreanische Garten im Grüneburgpark entstand als Teil der Gastland-Präsentation Südkoreas zur Frankfurter Buchmesse 2005 und ist ein Geschenk an die Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Dieses exotische Kleinod ist im Stil der traditionellen koreanischen Gelehrtengärten angelegt, die seit dem 16. Jahrhundert als Rückzugsort von Künstlern und Intellektuellen dienten. Daher soll der Garten auch für die Frankfurterinnen und Frankfurter ein Refugium zum Ausruhen und Meditieren sein.

Neben zwei beeindruckenden Pavillons, die aus koreanischem Material errichtet wurden, gibt es noch zwei quadratische Teiche mit runden Inseln. Dabei hat jedes Gestaltungselement einen hohen Symbolgehalt und entspricht fernöstlichen Philosophien. Dies betrifft auch die Auswahl der Pflanzen, denn beispielsweise Kiefer, Bambus und der Pflaumenbaum sind Symbole des langen Lebens.

Koreanischer Garten im Grüneburgpark © Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Grünflächenamt

Dieses Bild vergrößern.

Koreanischer Garten
Frankfurt am Main

Korean Garden in Berlin


In addition to the gardens from Japan, China, Bali and the East present the gardens
of the world
since April 2006, another example of traditional Far Eastern garden
design, the Korean
Seoul Garden .

Opening times:
The Seoul Garden is April through October, open to visitors from.
On weekdays (Monday to Friday) from 12:00 clock to offices close.
On weekends and public holidays from 9 clock up offices close.

 The Korean Seoul Garden .

At the invitation of the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, visited the mayor of Seoul, capital of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Lee Myung Bak, 23 to 26 September 2003, the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany.


제가  보기엔 돌들이 너무 커서, 시선을 정자에 집중시키는걸 방해하지 않나함.


불란서 Nante 의 한국 정원

한국 담장의 특색을 제현한 모양인데, 전형적인 문을 하나 넣엇드라면 좋았을 텐데,
담만 싸놓으니 좀 뭐가 빠진듯. 문이 없으니 이게 담인지 무엇인지 아리숭한 조형물이됏군요!

이 정자 바침 다리는 꼭  elephantiasis patient's legs!
서울 창덕국 비원것을 따온 모양인데,  이렇게 됏군요! 

Adresse: Boulevard Auguste-Peneau.

le jardin coréen du parc du grand Blottereau

Le jardin coréen du parc du Grand Blottereau

Le jardin coréen du parc du Grand Blottereau a été inauguré en septembre 2006 lors de la 19e édition de la Folie des plantes. Le jardin de "la colline de Suncheon" qui, avec son emprise d'un hectare, est le plus grand jardin coréen d'Europe. À travers cette création, c'est tout l'art du jardin coréen qui s'offre aux visiteurs.
Soit les cinq éléments symboliques qui en guident la conception.
Le pavillon traditionnel représente la culture humaine.
La forme rectangulaire du bassin symbolise la terre.
Celle, circulaire, de l'île, le ciel.
Le pin, planté sur cette île, vient en résonance de la nature.
Chacun de ces éléments étant déployé harmonieusement, au milieu de 10000 plantes et végétaux acclimatés.
Ce jardin de la colline de Suncheon est un compromis entre le jardin typique coréen et une vision des différents paysages aperçus en Corée, le "pays du matin calme".
Surtout, il s'est adapté à la configuration même du parc du Grand-Blottereau et s'intègre parfaitement dans l'esprit du voyage botanique au long cours qui prévaut dans le plus grand parc public de Nantes.

서울 창덕궁 비원의 정자 (원본)


Paris 어디 세운 한국 정원 입구

Jardin d’Acclimatation, Paris, France—04/2002

Entrée du Jardin Coréen

Jardin d'acclimatation - Paris 16ème




Pavilion - Pavillon

A very peaceful Corean garden, with Haussmannian facades not too far in the back.

Un jardin Coréen très tranquille, avec des façades Haussmanniennes non loin de là.

일본 오사카에 있다는 한국 정원.
규모가 대단히 커 보입니다.
용양이크니 직접 찾아보시길.


중국 남쪽 광동성에 경기도와 같이

한국 정원을 비들기들을 세상에서 모두 수집해서 키울 비들기공원에 세운다는 얘기 같은데.. 사진과 글을 범벅으로 만들어놔 읽기가 곤란.
담도있고 문, 연못, 정자, 루정, 있을 건 다 들어가는 모양



터키 수도에 있다는 한국공원
이 건물은 참전 용사 기념탑같은 성격



영국에 들어설 한국정원, 최고작품 ㅎ ㅎ ㅎ .
제가 여기서  아이디아를 하나 얻엇지요.
시골집 6 천평 땅 중심지에, 이런 건물이 필수적, 아니면 밖에 나온 사람들 신발 벗고 다 안방을 통과하게 한다는것도 고민.

먹는것이 중요하지만,
그것이 나오는 장소에 (해우소, 걱정거리 없애는 장소), 신경을 잘 않쓰는데
역시 태극기 올여줄만한 작품.
제목이 걸작.
정원 계획 현상 모집에 한국 여자분이 상대적수를 물로 싹씰어 버렷다네요!

사실대로 얘기 하면 장거리 여행해 정원에
도착하면 문간에 들어선후 제일 먼저 찾아갈곳이, 이곳인데.. 


Artist flushes the competition at major flower show
‘Traditional bathrooms were spaces for cleansing the body and mind; I wanted to create a garden that expressed this .’
June 02, 2011
Hwang Ji-hae in front of her work “Hae-woo-so,” which won the best garden award in the artisan garden category at the Chelsea Flower Show in London last week. By Jo Seong-hui

LONDON - Korean artist Hwang Ji-hae, 36, created a stir at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show
 in London by winning the best garden award in the artisan garden category.
Although she is the first Korean to exhibit work in the show, which ran from May 24 to 28, it wasn’t this fact that surprised the judging committee and gardening enthusiasts. It was the work itself, which has as its centerpiece a traditional Korean outdoor toilet.
The work, “Hae-woo-so,” is inspired by the traditional Korean philosophy that cleansing the body is akin to cleansing the mind.
It was displayed in a very traditional Korean style in a natural setting of Korean wildflowers and plants, including deodeok roots and white dandelions. The work recreates a simple Korean style bathroom made out of wood and also contains a porcelain lantern and rock fences covered in moss.
The garden, which was designed based on the philosophy of emptying and rebirth, was featured on the BBC and received favorable comments from members of the royal family,
including Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. (영궁 황궁에 해우소는 한국식으로?)

Hwang later donated the work to the Greenpeace in the United Kingdom.
The JoongAng Ilbo caught up with Hwang to discuss the show and her work. The following are excerpts from the interview.

Q. What inspired you to build a traditional Korean toilet in your garden?
A. Every traditional Korean house had its own haewuso. Because Korean women had so many things to do in the home, going to the haewuso provided them with their sole break in the day. The traditional Korean bathroom was a space for cleansing the body and mind, and I wanted to create a garden that expressed this
How was the work received when you submitted your proposal?
I heard that the judging committee laughed and thought that I was kidding. But they also said they were very thankful for my garden display and the thoughts behind it.
Out of numerous proposals from throughout the world, 45 candidates were chosen for the artisan garden category and seven of the 45 were chosen to display their gardens. Of the seven candidates, I won the best garden award, even though it is unusual for an artist to receive an award for their first exhibition.
How would describe your garden?
The judging committee characterized the garden as “conservative.” I tried to show that the traditional Korean garden is created by adapting to its untouched natural surroundings, which is the exact opposite of how Japanese gardens are created.
Are you planning exhibits next year?
If I am able to get sponsors, I would like to hold a garden exhibition. Having an exhibit sponsored by Chelsea Flower Show brings in up to 1.5 billion won ($1.4 million). But people here in Korea don’t know that.
What concept would you like your exhibit to center around?
I would like to do one based on the theme of the DMZ. There are some plants that only grow in the Demilitarized Zone.
There is a lot that I would like to say through my gardens. By adding porcelain to the garden, I can introduce people to porcelain artists in Korea. The Zen style of Japan is much like this.   
By Lee Kyong-hee [estyle@joongang.co.kr]

9  결론:

해외의 Future Korean Garden or Park

제일 큰 한국 전통정원으로 창덕궁 비원이 있는데, 들어가는 요소들이

a. 우선 담장과 문이 있고
b. 연못 호수가있고, 정자가 있고
c.. 길과 수목 화초 바위, 석탑, 석등, 휴식처..
d. 커다란 건물,  전시장
e. 책, 기렴품,판매점?
f. 화장실.

비슷한 건물을 해외에 크게짓는다면, 전시장, 강연장, 간이 식당, 매점, 등이 꼭 있어야하지 않을까함.

우리 동네 산프란 시스코에 일본 정원이있는데, 거기서 茶 라든지, 간이 음식을 파는걸로기억. 거기에있는 중국 정원은 호수가에 정자만 하나가있고,

한국건물은 없지만 시청앞에 아시아 박물관이있는데,
한국관이 상당이 크고 관객도 많이 오지요. 


파리에것은 담과 문 호수 정자.
파라과이것은 정자하나.
불란서 난트것은 문 없는 담장, 연못 정자
독일에있는것은 개울과 정자하나, 다른 하나는 커다란 건물이 보이는데 사진이 작아 알수가 없고
일본에있는것은 담장, 문, ...다있는것 같아보이고
해외에 조형물은 크기에 따라 상기 열거한 몇가지 요소를 추가하는데
대규모로 한번에 크게 할수 없으면, 우선 아름다운 토담과 소슬대문 하나 만 세워도
정취를 낼수있지 않을까함.
영국사람이 원하는 대로 (?) 변소를 처음에 멋있게 먼저 지을수도있고..
그다음 장기적 계획으로 다음 추가 건물 장소를 추가할수있을것이고.

이글을 쓰면서 느낀점은 한국을 위한 많은 인명을 바치고 한국을 구해준 미국에, 교포가 그렇게 많이 살고, 수출도 많이 해서 돈은 한국에 많이 벌어들여 오는데 한국의 주거문화를 소개할 정원하나 없다는게 이상하게 느껴 집니다.

이상하게 불란서와 독일에는 한국정원이 두개씩 들어서게되고.

현재로선 LA 와 Virginia 고원에 종각이 두개 들어선게 고작인가 합니다. 

제가 찾지를 못해서 그렇지
여기 저기에 한국을 상징하는 정원, 기렴 건물들이 많이 있으리라고 생각.

다음은 위키페디아에 소개된 정보인데
다 찾아 보지는 못햇읍.

Korean gardens abroad

A traditionaw Korean garden is currentwy under construction in Nantes, France. "Suncheon Garden", a 5000 sqware metre site, is
enclosed within Blottereau Park, and celebrates de 120 th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Souf Korea and France. (이 애기는 한국과 불란서가 강화도에서 전쟁한 역사 얘기같은데!)  There are traditional Korean gardens in de Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City; Gençwik Park in Ankara, Turkey; in Cairo, Egypt; we Jardin d'Acclimatation de Paris; Erholungspark Marzahn in Berlin; Grüneburgpark in Frankfurt; VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver; and at  Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanical Garden. (in planning stage)

1.  의대 동문 황규정 형이 부쳐준 멕시코의 한국 정자 소식 여기 추가함.

2년전에 멕시코 씨티 여행시 한국정(Korean Pavillion)을 방문했었는데
Korean garden은 없었고 정자만 지어 농았는데 정자기둥에 우리 선인들의
시조가락들을 적어놓은것이 퍽 운치있어 보였습니다. 그때 찍었던 사진 두장을
여기에 보탭니다.     황규정    "  (미쉬간 주 산부인과 전문의)

서울대 (문리대) 동문 이기우 여사의 소식으로 부터 다음 사항을 알게되어 추가.

 Virginia Fairfax County (미국수도 가까이 있고 근처에 한국 교포가 35000 명이 산다고 함) , Meadowlark Botanical Garden 에 금년 봄에 완성햇단, 종각 사진 구햇읍니다. 근처에 호수도 있고 정원도있고, 입지 조건이 좋군요!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Construction starts on Korean pavilion and bell garden

The first Korean bell pavilion on the East Coast and only bell garden in North America is being built at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, a regional park in Vienna near Wolf Trap.

The bell garden is the brainchild of Jeung Hwa Elmejjad-Yi, the chair of the Korean-American Cultural Committee, based in Annandale. Many local residents and organizations and the Republic of Korea contributed to this project.
The committee is presenting the bell garden to the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority and the public as a goodwill landmark “not only to recognize the Korean-American development and history within the greater Washington D.C. area, but also to recognize and to celebrate the importance of the diverse people and the city, which made our history within this region possible.”

The pavilion is being built at the garden by carpenters from Korea who are trained in building traditional structures. The bell is being handcrafted in Korea. The bell and pavilion will have images of herons, dogwoods, and other flora and fauna that are present both in Virginia and Korea, highlighting the natural connections between the two places.

The site will also include a traditional Korean garden, taking advantage of the park’s terraced rocks, scenic views of a lake, meandering trails, and trees native to the Korean peninsula, such as maples and red pines.

Professor David Chung of the University of Michigan designed the bell and pavilion. Professor Young-Sun Chung of Seoul University, an expert landscape architect, is working on plans for the garden. The picture shows what the pavilion and bell will look like when completed.

“With over 35,000 residents of Korean descent, Fairfax County has one of the largest Korean-American populations in the United States,” says Sharon Bulova, the chair of the Board of Supervisors. “The Korean-American community has made great contributions to Fairfax County in many ways. With the creation of a Korean Bell Garden at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, we all will have a place where we can learn about andf appreciate Korean culture.”


Canada Vancouver시 VanDusen Botanicaw Garden 공원에 세웟다는 한국 건물.

카나다 방쿠버에있다는 한국 정원이란 곳은 육각정자 하나 지어 놧군요.
요새 한국 문화 축제한다면 농악과 태권도를 항상 출동시키는데,
 육각 정자가 너무 피상적인 sterotype Korean building  으로 전락될까 걱정.

여기 정자 지붕이 완만하지 않고 중간에 갑자기 경사도가 바뀌는데
 이유는 한국 건축 지붕에 "적심" 이라고 해서 흙을 싸서 올려 단열 (Insulation) 지붕 경사 조절을 하는데
 여기서 건축 법규에 그걸 허가 않해서 오는 문제 같어요l

김홍도가 그린 풍속도에 일꾼이 흙을 축구공 마냥 뭉쳐서 올려 주는 장면이 뚜렷하지요?

-= IMAGE 1 =-


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114 Learnign Korean History from Non-Koreans [7] 2012.04.15 민경탁*65 2012.04.15 5532
113 [re] 사투리의 재발견, 사투리 상품화까지... [3] 2012.12.09 운영자 2012.12.09 5456
112 북미의 草家 [12] 2011.06.18 민경탁*65 2011.06.18 5190
111 Simple Korean Building [1] 2011.06.13 민경탁*65 2011.06.13 5058
110 Physical labor [2] 2013.03.05 민경탁*65 2013.03.05 4902
109 구정 (떡국의 유래) [9] 2012.01.23 Chomee#65 2012.01.23 4894
108 역사 속의 김치 [8] 2011.12.11 Chomee#65 2011.12.11 4424
107 [Video] 한류의 세계 진출 [4] 2012.04.02 Rover 2012.04.02 4196
106 한국 술 문화 by Prof. John Linton [9] 2012.11.17 임현재*65 2012.11.17 3942
105 국가와 종교는 분리되어야 [22] 2014.06.19 민경탁*65 2014.06.19 3925
104 Halloween 2012 [8] 2012.10.31 신성려#65 2012.10.31 3612