2021.08.30 13:49
The Tragedy of the U.S. vs. Afghanistan - - Mike Thompson, USA TODAY
The lesson from the history - -Taliban takes over Afghanistan: Mike Thompson cartoon USA TODAY
Wrong persons in the frontline -- Dave Granlund, USA TODAY Network
The hardshp of negotiations -- Andy Marlette, USA TODAY Network
2021.08.30 20:21
2021.08.30 20:31
Mask or not, that is the question. Normaly dull school board elections are
getting hot among Republicans and Democrats throughout the country.
COVID19 is surging again. People were expecting a big change after
July 4th. To the contrary, it has gotten worse. There are too many people
who don't want to be vaccinated. The viruses are living in them.
American troops have left Afghanistan as of today and 20 year war is
finnaly over. But Americans are not so happy. They are criticizing on
Biden's poor planning on evacuation. I disagree. I think Americans hurt
their pride because they are defeated by Taliban who are actually 3rd
world country people Afghan. Ironically the hierarchies in the government
and military probably knew what would happen at the end.
2021.08.30 20:40
Thinking back, when the Taliban whipped through Afghanistan 20 years ago,
we should have left them alone. Then, everyone lived happily thereafter.
with no bloodshed and not a tragically divided country.
It's too bad that my idea is based on hindsight. The damn hindsight comes always too late.
2021.08.31 09:06
Couldn't agree more, doc! I don't know how the hell they ignored such infamous history/lesson of Great Game by two empires- Czarist Russian and British - and lastly Soviet invasion, not many years before the U.S. repeats. The U.S. should have dropped a few 'mother of bomb's there as 분풀이 to Al Qaeda and stopped there and got out with no mumbo no jumbo like 'nation building'. The Taliban are the worst animals no way to fight/control- 똥이 무서워 피하나 더러워 피하는거지-.
Indeed, the problem was George Bush was so stupid as he appears/looks- because he didn't flunk, I distrust the value of Yale though one of my daughters got the Ph.D. degree from Yale, like other GOP and military leaders that he ignored the lessons other predecessors/previous invaders have experienced. Bush repeated the same mistake because he failed to take the history - even a plain surgeon like me knows enough!!- seriously. Too bad!
P.S. In regard to the Great Game, I have a funny story but, it was by pure serendipity to begin to build the interests in Afghanistan and Great Game. Soon after I started to work at Georgetown Univ in 1978, I accidentally bumped/noticed one small dingy looking restaurant, rather I say, an eatery named "Khyber Pass" on my way back from Washington Hospital Center to Georgetown Univ Hospital one afternoon and dropped in only for the curiosity. Yes, it was an Afghani restaurant I have never been to before and its wall was covered with so many old memorabilia. Naturally, I asked about them and their owner offered one old tattered, even no front page, book for the story of 'Great Game' I never read before. I was simply fascinated with such complicated geopolitical games and it was indeed an eye-opening opportunity for me and bought/read a few more books of Great Game to learn more. Yes, the history repeats because the people forget - the British empire invaded THREE times altogether with an average 40-year interval throughout the 19th Century before they finally gave up to permit independence, I believe they still do celebrate as Independence Day. What a pity we are all forgetful!!!
2021.08.31 13:26
The defense industry and Generals want the war. War consumes their products
and military practices what they learned and build up their careers. War
gives them ideas about future weapons. When there are opportunities
for retired generals and ex-state department officials in the defense industry
through the revolving doors, why not take it? They also promote the war.
It does not much matter for them if it is Iraq or Afghanistan. It's the war
itself that is essential for them. They did not care for the history of Afghanistan
as long as the war continues. Whenever bad news came from the front line
to President's desk, he would summon Generals to Oval Office and ask them if
troops should be brought home. The answer is "it is doable, if such and such
is provided. And it went on and on for 20 years. It had to end. I congratulate
Biden on his successful withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. I think
he made the right decision that is extremely difficult to make.
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