2013.10.16 17:18
길다고 느껴지지만 대단히 흥미있는 강연입니다. 조선은 어떻게 500년이나 갔을까?
2013.10.17 11:18
2013.10.17 11:19
2013.10.17 11:25
2013.10.17 11:35
조선새대의 수학 http://100.daum.net/encyclopedia/view.do?docid=b12s3918b005
"다움"에 소개됀 수학사 " http://100.daum.net/encyclopedia/view.do?docid=b12s3918b "
. [history of mathematics] 브리태니커 "수학의 발전에 대해 고대문명의 뿌리까지 추적하는 연구."
2013.10.19 09:11
"The Discoverers is a non-fiction historical work by Daniel Boorstin published in 1983 and is the first in the Knowledge Trilogy that also includes The Creators and The Seekers. The book, subtitled A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself, is the history of human discovery. Discovery in all its many forms are present - exploration, scientific, medical, mathematical and the more theoretical ones such as time, evolution, plate tectonics and relativity. He praises the inventive, human mind and its eternal quest to discover the universe and our place in it.
In "A Personal Note to the Reader" Boorstin writes, "My hero is Man, the Discoverer. The world we now view from the literate West...had to be opened by countless Columbuses. In the deep recesses of the past, they remain anonymous." The structure is topical and chronological, beginning in the prehistoric era in Babylon and Egypt."
The above is regarding a book, titled "The Discoverers" by Daniel Boorstin,
which I have read with fascination years ago deals with all the important discoveries by man in the world history.
China is a significant part of the thick book.
I went back to the book and found some statements regarding printing in Korea and Hangul, a couple of which I will quote in the below,
"... for a brief interlude Koreans were actually the most advanced printers in the world. By the early twelfth century the kings of Koryo
dynasty had set up a printing office in the national college" and so on in rather detail description.
"...then King Sejong the Great(1419-1450) commissioned scholars to devise an alphabet.
In 1446 they came up with the new Hangul of 25 letters not based on any existing alphabet."
To my pleasant surprise I found a lot more statements regarding the geniuses of our forefathers.
After reading the above detailed presentation of facts, I can't help feeling that we Koreans have a lot of work to do.
First we all Koreans need to learn more about our history, then we must reeducate our children and adults so that
all of us are encouraged to work harder with a lot of patience as our forefathers did.
Thank you so much, Sun Bae Nim, for helping us relearn our history.
2013.10.20 09:07
좋은 책 소개해주어 감사합니다. Wikipedia 에서 review 하고,, amazon.com 에 세권을 주문했어요. 읽고 있는 책들이 있으나 금년중엔 읽게 되겠지요.
요즘엔 "해방전후사의 재인식" 을 읽고 있는데, 제1권을 거의 다 끝냈어요. 일제시대에 많은 일들이 일어났더군요. 그때엔 일제의 수탈, 독립운동가의 활동, 친일파의 준동만이 있었던 것 아니라는 거지요.
이념을 앞세운 소위 '역사'에 길드려진 머리엔 많은 것이 새로워요. 이념을 배제하고 오로지 풍부한 통계자료등 사료에 근거해서, 양심적인 학자들이 쓴글 에서 얻은게 많아요.
긴 글인데도 흥미 진진하여 단숨에 읽었네요.
이글을 내주셔서 감사드립니다.
이글의 예로 세종과 정조가 제일 많이 나오는데 이두분 대왕들은
조선왕조의 명군중의 명군이라 생각되며 그분들이 특히 정조가 조금오래
살았으면 우리나라가 어떻게 변했을까 생각해봅니다. 감사합니다. 규정