2021.04.15 18:09
"한국은 왜 유일한 분단국가 일까?" 라는 제목으로 brunch.co.kr을 이용하여 ebook을 발간 했 습니다.
다 읽는 데 약3시간 걸립니다. 그동안 snuma.net에 간간히 올린글도 많이 포함되어 있 습니다. 서울의대
미주 동창회에서 같은 제목으로 강의 한 내용을 기초로 했 습니다. 조선 말, 일제, 해방정국, 미군정기, 6.25
직전의 대한민국역사를 알기 쉽게 서술 할려고 노력 했 습니다.
2021.04.15 18:34
2021.04.16 06:49
Wow, what an accomplishment, Dr. Ohn!
Great job!!!!!
I will keep it to read chapter by chapter whenever I have a time to enjoy it in maximum with no pressure.
2021.04.17 07:17
Thank you very much for your encouragement, Dr. Lee and prof. Lee.
Though the purpose of writing is for author's own pleasure, it is very
difficult for an author to keep going without social recognition.
I have to fight all the time against temptation to bend myself for the popularity.
It is very easy to fall into my own trap that exaggerate the facts or bring up false history
to prove myself. I tried my best to confirm the facts behind my statements.
It would have been extremely difficult to write historical essays in old days
when there were no searching tools in the internet. So many precious
informations are easily accessible by simply googling. It saves a lot of time
for me and makes my brain to work for "new ideas" based on the information
instead of factual memorization. It gives me the capacity to see forest rather than trees.
2021.04.18 16:43
Because of the zoom conference through this Sunday morning hour, from 8:00 am to 12:30pm - I had to deliver a keynote-, I didn't have enough time to read from the chapter one yet but had a chance to peep through a few chapters including Chap 12. 대구 10.1 폭동 and surprised you quoted my mother 조애영's 내방가사 to describe how she saved my father's life from the rioters.
Indeed, your book seems to be the first ever summary I read with such joy and enjoyed such accurate description to give a thorough review on Korean history along the last part of Yi dynasty through the Korean War, 조선 근대사 .
Since I do not have a zoom conference till June, I should be able to read with no hurry and enjoy it thoroughly through the month.
Warm regards,
Congratulations, Dr. Ohn, for the great work!
Your work and your clear vision arising from your deep understanding
of our complicated and complex modern history of Korea is so priceless
that, I'm convinced, not only your contemporaries including myself but also
our future generations will keep going back to it as reliable, dependable, trustworthy
Once again, my heartfelt congratulations to you.