

Nature Golden Poison Dart Frog

2011.04.27 02:00

이기우*71문리대 Views:10675

Golden Poison Dart Frog at Atlanta Botanical Garden




Golden Poison Dart Frog at Atlanta Botanical Garden
This is a Golden Poison Frog. The Golden Poison Dart Frog lives in the tropical rain forests of Central and South America. These frogs are common in the Pacific River area of Western Colombia. They live on the forest floor, often near small streams, and are active during the day. They move in short hops and are rarely still for more than a second or two.

The golden poison frog measures around 47 mm and is one of the largest frogs of Dendrobatidae family. The Golden Poison Frog's skin is drenched in alkaloid poison, one of a number of poisons common to frogs which prevents nerves from transmitting impulses, leaving the muscles in an inactive state of contraction. This can lead to heart failure or fibrillation. Alkaloid batrachotoxins can be stored by frogs for years after the frog is deprived of a food-based source, and such toxins do not readily deteriorate, even when transferred to another surface. Chickens and dogs have died from contact with a paper towel on which a frog had walked.

The Golden Poison Dart Frog is typically golden-yellow with black flecks on its hind legs. However, its color pattern varies widely. The frog is primarily carnivorous. Adults feed on ants, termites, tiny beetles, and other small arthropods. The tadpoles may eat each other if placed together in a small area, but mostly they feed on insect larvae, debris, and unfertilized eggs left by females.

Scientists believe that the skin secretions of the Golden Poison Dart Frog are so toxic that 0.0000004 ounce may be enough to kill a human being. Toxins from these frogs work quickly, attacking the nerves and muscles and ultimately causing death by respiratory or muscular paralysis.

Native peoples in Colombia collect these and other brightly colored frogs and use their poisonous skin secretions to coat the ends of hunting arrows. Because of their potency, these skin toxins are also of great interest to medical researchers. They are especially valuable in the study of anesthetics, muscle relaxants, cardiac stimulants, and medicines for controlling rapid or irregular heartbeats.

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