2020.09.18 17:44
[출처: 중앙일보] "서울 불바다 되지만 北선제공격" 美대통령마다 준비한 카드
B-2 폭격기가 'GBU-57'을 투하하는 장면.
2017년 10월 중순 미국 미주리주 화이트맨 공군기지에선 3대의 B-2를 주축으로 한
모의 야간 폭격 훈련이 실시됐고, 이 과정에서 '북한 지도부'가 언급되는 무선통신이 포착됐다.
[화이트맨공군기지 제509폭격단 홍보 영상 캡쳐=연합뉴스]
*남한 모르게 미국이 북한을 공격한다면 남한국민은?
2020.09.18 21:03
2020.09.19 08:30
I share the same view with Steve for the future/identity of Korea, either North or South besides its historical background!
Indeed, Chinese was taught for Korea as one of THEIR own provinces according to my pal, Zhongguo Wang, now elected as an Academician. So Korea has never been independent at least for the last 500 years of the Yi Dynasty we all have to admit.
BB Lee
2020.09.19 08:47
America starts the war, not because of justice but political merits and/or profits
of the defense industry. Americans lost the Vietnam war, failed nation-building in Iraq,
and is being or was defeated in Afghanistan.
America failed the denuclearization of NK.
But she sold the very expensive anti-missile systems and other weapons to South Korea.
Besides, the industry was able to deploy antimissile systems inside the US even though
the accuracy has not been proven to be cost-effective.
Fortunately, the crazy Trump does not appear to have any political merits by attacking NK
before the election. America is failing in Mideast in general; Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen,
Israel, etc. if her cause is justice.
Both South and North Korea can easily be victims of politically and the profit-driven American
cause. What do I wish most?
Let the reasonable governments in South and North to fend off selfish foreign influences.
Before uniting the nations, people should be united first. No superpower can defeat united people.
2020.09.19 18:33
[출처: 중앙일보] 靑와대 "北에 핵공격없다" 발끈…美는 이미 표적 90개 찍어놨다
Knowing American military capability, Kim will not initiate nuclear attacks on
SK or the US.
2020.09.20 05:54
The above shows only the threat of the US to NK regime.
America will never carry such a plan out.
만일 이렇게 많은 핵폭탄이 북한에 떨어진다면, 북한은 영원히 사람이 살수없는
불모지가 될것이다. 반면에 남한도 비슷한 피해를 보게되겠지요.
Not only that, but the ecology of the entire world will also get serious damage.
The surviving Koreans have no place to live, while the rest of the world population
will be living in the radiation-contaminated earth. No more "Mother" earth then...
Eventually, once for all, it will bring the end of humanity on earth including all Americans.
2020.09.20 06:56
As the election coming closer, I can't help feeling toward the unlikely possibility of
the Republican victory. I and we had been burned from the 2016 disaster of Clinton's failure.
I was totally heart-broken. Nothing is guaranteed until the last poll is all counted and certified.
It is too sad that the Democratic party was not able to bring up a good presidential candidate.
A bunch of 오합지졸들... Now, even the crazy criminal Trump seems to have a chance.
I guess this is the weakness of the democratic system, representation by the fools.
In a way, it's a political system where fools can control the election of the governing body.
However, what can we do? That's still the best system humanity has developed so far!!
I have hope... That is, the Democrats win the House and Senate both.
Then, it may not matter too much which idiot wins the White House.
2020.09.20 07:08
Isn't that ridiculously strange that it is OK for the United Kingdom to have nuclear weapons
and not OK for SK? Which one of two needs it more? There is hardly any NK nuclear threat to
the US and other parts of the world. What the US and other established nuclear nations don't want to
see is nuclear proliferation. Is it for world peace? I doubt it. They don't want to lose hegemony
in world politics. That is the argument that SK should promote to become a nuclear nation.
My feeling is that the U.S. will never attack North Korea by military force.
Even if they don't have to worry about South Korea, they won't invade or bomb North Korea.
The U.S. had been burned so badly in Asia. They won't try another war against Korea.
To North Korea, the U.S. is "military-wise" just a paper tiger.
The U.S. will pursue economic blockade-assistance-threat or peaceful diplomatic dialogue.
The North won't attack the South, unless only in the last suicidal desperation.
The most probable realistic favorable scenario will be Trump buying out Jong Kim.
However, Trump has only less than 2 months in the White House to do anything about it
unless he wins the election in November.
If Joe Biden becomes the president, everything may go back to ground zero... nothing.
Then, most likely Red China will take over North Korea.
We will lose our northern half "FOREVER"!!
Unfortunately, we need Trump, no matter how much we hate him.
Other than "The crazy Trump", there will be no U.S. president to invade North Korea or China.
Even under the Trump regime, the absorption of North Korea by Red China can happen.
See, if China takes over North Korea, North's nuclear weapons get no meaning whatsoever,
because they become a part of China. The problem of the U.S. gets magically solved!!
Because of that, the U.S. may not do anything if China invades North Korea.
Then, the next thing to happen, Moon's regime will welcome the CCP with open arms.