

Travel The Botanical Garden, Anchorage, Alaska

2011.10.14 02:01

Chomee#65 Views:13694

The Botanical Garden, Anchorage, Alaska

그동안 운이 좋게 비오는 날씨가 없었는데, 이곳에서 last day인 8월14일 아침은 비가 내렸다. 비가 멈춘 Anchorage 아침 공기는 더욱 fresh 하고 상쾌한 기분좋은 아침 이였다. 우리는 visitor center 앞에서 shuttle bus 로 botanical garden으로 향했다.

Visitor's Center

Foxglove (Digitalis)

season 이 지난 Wild Rose

Leopard Plant

Meadow Sweet


Monk's Hood

Meadow Rue


Bee Barm

Scottish Bluebell


Nasturtium and Parsley


잎에 무늬가 있는게 이곳의 Nasturtium 의 특징 이라고한다.

15 일 새벽 동이 틀 무렵에 Lax 에 도착

The Purchase of Alaska

An Anglo-Russian treaty in 1825 gave the Huddson's Bay Company acess to South Alaska. Whaler's entered AlaSCAN waters in the 1830's In 1847 the Hudson's Bay Company established Fort Yukon in the interior. Defeat in the Crimem War in 1856 forced Russia to re-evaluate her American holdings, they were no longer profitable and could not be defended effectively. Gold seekers were moving north from California. Fearing British domination of the pacific, Russia saw the United States as a buffer. AlexanderII instructed Barron Edouard de Stocckl to begin negotiations. Amerian Secretary of State Willam H. Seward, ardent expansionist, concluded. Despite much opposition from some members of Congress and the press. American concluded a purchase agreement at a price of $7,200,000 approximately 2 cents for acre. "Seward's Icebox" proved to contain not only furs, but billions of dollars oil. The American flag was raised at Sitka on October 18, 1867. The united stated gain 586,412 sq. miles. (text from Museum)

The original check used to pay for Alaska worth $7.2 million

photos, webpage by Chomee
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