2023.12.02 22:17
An Alliance Forged in Blood; The American Occupation of Korea,
The Korean War and the US-South Korean Alliance
2023.12.03 10:35
2023.12.03 10:56
이 논문은 미 군정기와 한미 동맹의 현실을 정확하게 서술하고 있다.
특히 저자 William Stueck과 Boram Yi 는 한미동맹을 중국과 조선의
조공관계의 연장선상에서 보고 있다는 점은 놀라웠다. 중국중심의
세계질서는 "착취"라기 보다는 "상생"이었다.
또한 저자들은 미국은 남한을 두 번 점령했다고 지적하고 있다. 미군정
기라고 하는 1945-1948과 한국전쟁기 1950-1953 이다.
아마 현재의 한국은 "조공기"의 말기에 도달했지 않았나 생각해 본다.
William Stueck has published widely on the Korean War and on US-Korean relations. He taught for over 30 years at the University of Georgia, retiring in 2012 as Distinguished Research Professor of History. During 1995 he taught as a Senior Fulbright Scholar at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. Currently he is co-authoring with James Person a topical history of US-Korean relations.
Boram Yi, associate professor, university of Baltimore
I was fascinated with the presence of American cultural influences in my home country, Korea, but I found it more intriguing that two equally strong yet quite opposite views about this influence competed in Korea. One view emphasizes American influences as overwhelmingly positive, and the other describes them as an exploitative foreign intrusion. I wondered if there could be a third perspective. This challenging question led me to pursue my studies of history, U.S. diplomacy, modern Asia and the world.