

General From the Queen Mary 2

2005.04.25 04:20

一水去士 Views:7857

Having passed the south of New Foundland, we are in the middle of Northern Atlantic Ocean somewhere heading to Southampton, UK. This webpage is being sent from the ship's satellite Internet connection.

We boarded on Queen Mary 2 at the westside dock of Manhattan.
Owned by the Cunard Cruiselines, this is the world's largest, tallest, and longest cruise ship of the world. We decided to take the trip on the Queen Mary 2 and pass the Statue of Liberty for the celebration of my 40th year in America.  

The skyline of Mahattan at the right and New Jersey at left. The Statue of Liberty faintly visible as a greenish-blue shadow at the New Jersey side.

The central atrium lounge where we entered the ship.

The Queen's Theater.

The Britannia Dining Room that can hold about 1000 people at a time, serving all guests in two shifts.
The ship's total capacity is 2640 guests.

This is supposed to be the largest "floating" ballroom dance floor at the Queen's Room.
It's about 2/3 of a full size basketball court.

For the moment, two of us are in charge of representing SNUMC-1965 class
on Her Majesty's dance floor at the Queen Mary 2.

We were passing in front of the Statue of Liberty. Not like those European immigrants, I arrived in America on June 29, 1965 through Honolulu at the other side of the United States of America. But her blessings must have spread upon to me as well. Now, it was the fitting occasion to pass her with the liberty in my hands 40 years later.

God Bless America.

Photo and webpage by S. Steven Kim - April 25, 2005
on the QueenMary 2 in the North Atlantic
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