2024.07.02 12:20
2024.07.02 12:35
2024.07.02 12:56
Doc, I agree... What a truth what you said is!
If Biden does not kill Trump under the Supreme Court's direction,
Trump surely shall kill Biden under the same doctrine.
Also, Biden should kill all the Supreme Court judges before they make another stupid mistake.
In reality, the Supreme Court is telling Biden to kill Trump before the November election.
Otherwise, Biden will be under Trump's revenge.
In other words, if Dems do not decimate Republicans, Reps will do the same to Dems.
To be simple, idiots of the Supreme Court have opened the door for the nationwide mutual
bloody homicides in the democratic land of the U.S.A.
2024.07.03 21:56
Biden Alternatives?
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U.S. Supreme Court is no longer impartial. It delivers Republican agenda only.
USA is becoming a White Christian country. However it will not remain united.
Sooner or later this country will be divided into many nations like Europe.
Unfortunately 'make white America great again' is becoming a reality.
All the empires in history ceased to exist when it tried to be a homogenous nation,
i.e. one religion, one race, one ideology..