
The New Republic


Top Trump Adviser Reacts to Immunity Ruling

With Three Alarming Words


Hafiz Rashid


With the Supreme Court’s ruling on immunity Monday morning effectively handing ultimate power to the presidency, and by extension, Donald Trump, it has opened the door to occupants of the Oval Office acting however they want.

One commentator on X (formerly Twitter), Democratic influencer Harry Sisson, pointed out that given the new ruling, Joe Biden could in theory order Seal Team 6 to assassinate Trump, his political rival—a point that Trump’s legal team tried to defend during the case’s oral arguments.

Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita soon quoted Sisson’s post with an ominous warning.

Twitter screenshot Chris LaCivita @LaCivitaC: Expect a Visit ….

There are a few ways to interpret LaCivita’s words: Either he is ready to spread a new conspiracy theory about Biden attempting hit jobs on Trump, or he was warning Sisson about his own visit from Seal 6 in a second Trump term. Perhaps he was warning Biden himself. Regardless, references to political assassination are not inspiring coming from a top Trump campaign adviser.

The right-wing quickly dogpiled on Sisson after his initial tweet, leading him to post Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent in the case, where she referenced the relevant oral argument. Sisson also fired back with a video calling out LaCivita, and wondering aloud whether he was being threatened.

Twitter Screenshot Harry Sisson @harryjsisson: All of these MAGA lunatics are saying that this is suggesting violence when the first 5 words are “according to the Supreme Court…” Also, this is in reference to Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent which included this exactly (included screenshot with part of Sonia Sotomayor's dissent)
Copied from a Yahoo News by WM, July2, 2024

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