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처음 오시는분 - 필독사항

Unclassified Views 4032 Votes 0 2008.04.30 16:35:26
운영자 *.212.161.251

As you see, there are a lot of webpages with music and songs.
When the webpages were written, they all worked well.

But since the music-right-enforcement in Korea forced the original websites
to delete the songs from which these music came from, many songs in these
webpages stopped working because the original sources were gone.

Because of the deletion at the origina website,
a lot of music in these webpages are dead as well.

Some songs will play but many of them have no connections
and, therefore, will not play.

You just have to try webpage by webpage and then one by one
on each song to see if it works.
Some of them will still work well, while others may not play at all.

The web manager didn't yet have time to clean these out.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


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