2023.12.31 01:55
Happy New Year!
From our family to yours!
December 31, 2023
Seong Koo and Sungja Cho
PS; Photo taken in Sea Island, Georgia during the Thanksgiving Holidays
One of our granddaughters, Britt Helgaas, was attending YunSei University in Seoul, Korea,
as her Junior Abroad Semester at Colorado College
our younger daughter, Regina's husband, Geoffrey Getnick had to stay home for his on-call duty
our daughter-in-law, Jessica's mother, Rosalee Hagen joined us from Alabama.
김승자; 2023년 그믐날에 여러분들과 가족님들께 새해인사를 올립니다.
아무쪼록 밝아 오는 새해에도 만수무강하시고
가내 두루 두루 평강하시기 빕니다.